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Los Feliz High School, one of the top arts schools in Los Angeles. The school buzzes with life as you hear music around every corner. Julie Molina stands by her locker, a year later, hiding her face behind a hat. Flynn walks up. "Hey, underachiever!" "Hey, disappointment!" Julie smiles. "Okay, I know you don't want me to ask you this but... Have you figured out what you're going to do today?" She hides more of her face underneath her maroon hat. "I'll know in the moment." Flynn sighs. "Really Jules? That's all you're giving me? Miss Harrison said this is your last chance." "I know. I was there." Her friends Genevieve Castillo, Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer, and Reggie Peters walk up, chatting about their new song ideas. "Hey Flynn! Hey Jules!" Genevieve grins as the boys give a 'what's up' nod to Julie. "Hey Gen! Hey guys!" Julie says. She continues on. "How's everything going? Especially with you know who..." Genevieve shrugs her shoulders but Flynn buts in before she can answer. "I still can't believe she broke girl code like that. She knew you liked Nick, yet, she still decided to date him." Julie shook her head. "We're not friends, so it doesn't matter anyways." Genevieve leans her head on Julie's shoulder, giving her a hug. "Genevieve!" Carrie calls in her high pitched voice. Genevive smiles sadly at her group of friends. "Sorry guys... I gotta..." "We know. It's okay. You can go. We'll fill you in after school." Julie smiles sweetly. Genevive nods, Flynn squeezing her hand before she walks over to Carrie. "Hi!" She smiles before whispering something into Genevieve's ear.

"I'll see you at the rally!" Carrie says to a student walking by. "Ugh. What is she handing out." Flynn says annoyed. "Desperation?" Julie answers honestly. "Mhm." Flynn laughs, clutching her books to her chest.

Carrie glances at them and begins walking over to Flynn, Julie, Luke, Alex, and Reggie. "Here you go! My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow!" She says, enthusiastically handing out flyers to each of them. "I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." She looks them up and down. Luke steps forward but Julie pushes him back. Flynn flashes a fake smile. "Oh my gosh, Carrie! Thanks!" She sarcastically remarks. "Oh. My. Gosh. Flynn! Don't bother coming!" Carrie claps back before strutting away. "Come see Dirty Candy tomorrow!" Carrie says, loud enough for the whole group to hear. Flynn crumples up the flyer and looks to Julie for her reaction but catches her ogling Nick. "Nick? Still?" She says. "You know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." Julie leans her head against her locker. "Nick's a sweetheart." "Yeah... You'd actually have to talk to him to know that." Julie rolls her eyes. Flynn continues her rant. "And only one of them has to be a demon to make a demon baby." She looks over to Carrie. "DEMON!" Flynn yells at her. Carrie turns around and gives them an icy glare. Genevieve bites her tongue to hold in her laugh. Julie and Flynn quickly turn around to avoid eye contact before bursting out into a fit of laughter. "There's that smile." Flynn says, poking Julie's cheek. "Guys, let's hustle. We're gonna be late for class!" Alex reminds them. Julie and Flynn link arms. "Now, let's go prove everybody wrong." She says, skipping down the hallway to Miss Harrison's class. The group walks in and finds their seats.

Miss Harrison speaks up. "Alright class. We are going to do our last couple performance assignments today. Nick, you're up next!" Nick nods and gets up to the front of the class, performing a piece on the electric guitar. Miss Harrison moves with the music, as he finishes the last few measures of the song. The classroom is filled with applause. Julie smiles at him and the two lock eyes. "Wow! Great job babe!" Carrie cheers, snapping Julie out of her fantasy. "Nice job, Nick!" The teacher smiles, motioning him to his seat. "Almost as impressive as your game against Glendale." Everyone laughs and Miss Harrison walks up to Julie.

"Okay, we have one last performance. Julie?" All eyes focus on Julie as she looks up at Miss Harrison. Julie stands up as Miss Harrison rubs her back for comfort. Julie sits at the grand piano and places the sheet music in front of her. Flynn, Genevieve, Luke, Reggie, and Alex all have a hopeful look plastered on their face. She takes a deep breath, looking at Miss Harrison to hopefully save her from this nightmare. "Take your time." Her teacher says instead. Julie looks down at the glittering white and black piano keys, something she hasn't touched in a long time. She felt them calling to her as she hovered her hands above the keys, and then slowly placed her hands on them. As quickly as she put them on, she took them off.

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