Chapter 26 - Team Kakashi

Start from the beginning

"Will it effect her from going of a mission with us? Since she is a part of Team Kakashi?" Naruto asks.

"No, I believe not." Baki answers.

"Alright! Now that's even better! Especially, now we got more leads on the Akatsuki!!" Naruto said very positive and ready to take action.

  "Lord Baki, a message from the Leaf." A shinobi said and give Baki the scroll.

"Thank you." Baki opens the scroll and hands it to Kakashi. "it's from your Hokage."

"Huh? Granny Tsunade? What did she say?" Naruto asks while Kakashi reads.

"She says that Team Guy is on it's way here to back us up." Kakashi answers.

"Bushier Brows Sensei squard?" Naruto takes the scroll. I lean in to read it as well. Naruto laughs to himself and smile. "I can't wait too see how much they're all changed. I hear Naji's been made a jonin."

"Really? That amazing." I said a little happy, but sad at the same time. "A lot happened while we were gone for two years, huh?"

"Haha! Right!" Naruto agrees with me. Not noticing my sadness in my voice. "All right! No sense waiting around for them to get here. Let's go after the Akatsuki right now!" Naruto runs out in the halls.

"Okay, but which way are you going? Do you know where they are?" Kakashi asks Naruto which made him stop.

"Uh... No.." Naruto said upset but then light up again. He turns and run to me. "(y/n)! Take me where the Akatsuki heading to!?"

"Haven't you been listening?" I said annoyed yet calm. "I already told you the one Kagome and I was fighting against changed directions. I only been to three hideouts with one of them was the one they were supposed to go to. Most likely going to a different hideout that's a little farther away maybe."

"Is it one of the other two you've been to?" Naruto asks in hopes and light.

"No, those are way far away from here." I answer and his head drops.

"If you don't mind me asking, what have been the results so far of you attempt to pursuit the Akatsuki?" Kakashi asks Baki.

"First Kankuro and Kagome went after them and you see how they, as well for (y/n), what happened to them." Baki starts answering. "Then we dispatched a tracking unit in pursuit. Two returned and said the rest followed what the girls said they flew to. But as yet, we haven't heard back from them. There's another problem, we believe that- Well, it appears that Captain Yura, one of the council of advisors, has gone missing. We don't even know if he's alive."

I noticed Baki didn't actually admit to Kakashi that Captain Yuna helped bring the Akatsuki inside and attacked his fellow men. Maybe he didn't believe me when I said it was him. I sadly don't know where he is or if he is alive or dead either. He was with Sasori and I while watching Gaara's battle. He stayed by Sasoir's side like glue. Then Kagome showed up and I had to fight her. After that, he wasn't there.

"So, what you're saying is you lost track of the Akatsuki?"

"Yes, we have." Baki said unhappily.

"Lord Baki, Kankuro has regained consciousness." One of the Medics said.

Akatsuki's Hideout

"We're too late." Kakashi Sensei said as we all stare at the disappointing sight of Gaara laying on the ground motionless while being sat on by Deidara with Sasori next to him.

After Kankuro gave us a torn cloth he manage to take from his battle with Sasori, we, Team Kakashi, and Lady Chiyo went off following Pakkun where the other hideout is located. We ran into trouble when we met Itachi who isn't really Itachi. It was Captain Yura being mind controlled by Itachi with the founder of this jutsu is the leader of the group. He can changed his victims' appearances like the members. As well as talk, think, use the same jutsu, and act like them. I already explained to the team about this jutsu. It later occurred to us that they were already starting taking out the one tail out of Gaara, so we jolt out quick. Once we arrived and joined Team Guy, who were happy to see Naruto and I, we slip up again to break the five seal barrier then Sakura smashed the bolder. Once we got inside, all hopes of saving Gaara faded away.

My Long Journey as a Shinobi (and to his heart) -  Kiba x Reader Naruto FFWhere stories live. Discover now