"W-what is it?" her voice flowing out to him with real concern as she had experienced a good amount of sedatives in her twenty-second year of life and she didn't want to be brought to another level with something that was stronger.

"It's called wolfsbane. It's highly potent and it actively inhibits the receptors within the brain that influence lycan abilities. It acts as a toxin and blocks them so that the receptors cant be fed transmissions that would allow those abilities to present. Essentially it will weaken the  both of you. You will feel almost like a human with a severe flu. They wont use it, if its not necessary..." his tone was even softer, and his words were selected carefully. He in a sense sugar coated how the medication would feel for her sake, but did not want her to be completely oblivious to some of its side effects should it be called for.

"Aren't you sick of this?" she questioned quietly with a shake of her head, as she slipped her arms through the straps of her bra and adjusted it around her breasts. Her hand grabbing at the crisp white tank top and slowly pulling it over her head and down her frame.

"Sick of what?" he asked still focusing entirely on her and noticing her demeanor shift back into the same dark one she had yesterday before her abrupt and false change.

"Sick of needing to constantly monitor me... Sick of needing to constantly medicate me... Sick of needing to constantly rescue me... How are you not exhausted? Don't you want a normal life, Jason?" she looked over to him as she stopped her progress in getting dressed, her brows were furrowed and her eyes held a clear sadness. She conceptually could not wrap her head around how any of this was worth it for him. How he found the energy to methodically plan out the course of events and managed to adapt quickly at every curve ball he was thrown.

"No. I'm not, Elizabeth." he said firmly with a solid shake of his head. "Am I sick of this fucker?" his hand gesturing to her before flickering off to the side, indicating he was speaking of Mathias. "Absolutely. But my job is to protect you, and that is what I am doing. That is what I was made to do. And with or without you, my life has always been far from normal. I'm a fucking Alpha, Elizabeth."

"But you could be with literally anyone else, and you wouldn't have to deal with anything like this..." she said softly, with another shake of her own head. Her teeth biting at her lower lip as tears began to well in her eyes, the overwhelming feeling of being a burden  once again taking a deep hold in her chest as she began to slip on the light green cashmere sweater.

"Have you ever thought about why were mates?" he asked as he placed on his own white shirt, pausing his own movements as he watched her. "Have you ever thought about why, out of all the men out there, I was destined to be yours?"

"I don't know enough about how mates work, or how they happen.." she said with another shake of her head. As she began to slip on her jeans, unable to look at him as she was trying to hide from the embarrassment of crying once again in front of him. Feeling a burning anger at herself for being so weak.

"We were made for each other Elizabeth, and there is a reason for it. Before I met you, I was strong, but you have made me stronger." he said in complete honesty, stepping forward to stop her motion and make her look at him. "All these trials and tribulations have made me stronger, and every bit of this is worth it. You needed a mate who could be strong enough to help you overcome this, and that is why you're with me. That is why I'm fighting for you."

"But I upset you and hurt you again and again... I don't see what I do for you. I don't see how I could have possibly made you stronger." she said shaking her head as the tears began to rapidly descend down her face and her breathing sharpened.

"We both have hurt each other, Elizabeth.." he sighed out, depositing a firm soothing kiss on top of her forehead. "But great stories do not come easily... Without you I would be lost, I would have no purpose to serve. I would have no one to give my love to... There is no one else for me. You're my beginning and my end.. And soon I will make you my wife." his strong arms wrapped tightly around her, pulling her small body against his large frame. "I never had the desire to have a wife, but I feel the need to have you entirely. I'm not satisfied with you just being my mate..."

"I'd like that..." she said with a small nod against his chest, as her nose burrowed into it and she inhaled deeply his scent to soothe her weary soul. "But.."

"But?" he said loosening his hold on her and shifting his upper body away so he could look at her face, his trademark eyebrow arch on full display.

"You still have to propose to me..." she said with a small smile and a blush on her cheeks before she emitted the frailest giggle.

"Why propose when your answer is not an option?" he smirked, receiving a small smack  on his chest as she pulled away from him with a mock glare. "Ah, fine. I'll play your game.." he laughed, beginning to button his shirt. "It's the least I can do."

"The least you can do for what?" she said giving him her own arch of the eyebrow, her eyes twinkling with a new found lightheartedness.

"Well... because of your little affliction, and the turmoil it has caused..." he said with a overexaggerated sigh, showing he was making light of the situation and bringing out humor from it. "I'm probably the most feared and talked about Alpha around. So thank you." he gave a little bow with a rolling hand in her direction.

"W-what?" she said looking over to him in shock, her eyes wide in disbelief as her mouth slightly hung open.

"Oh yeah, baby. Nobody wants to fuck with this." he said giving her a wink and his eyes beaming with male pride. "Well.. except for that bitch." he said with another flagrant handwave in her direction, showing he was once again alluding to Mathias. "Its kind of hot though, am I right? Turns you on a little bit?" he once again arched his eyebrow at her with a smirk.

"God, I missed how much of a deviant you are." she said with a headshake and a grin as she began to put on her socks and shoes. She finding it amazing how he always managed to curb her moods when she was open with him, something she had failed to do previously, communication being something they had worked so hard on in the past.

"Just you wait until I get you home." he slipped on his pants, feeling his own mood shift into healthier waters as they were truly falling back into their natural rhythm.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now