4 - chance

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"I still... Like you." The words that came out Jae Suk's mouth got Eun Ji very speechless.

Silence filled the whole place.

Until Eun Ji decided to speak.

"I... I fee---" She couldn't continue with what she wanted to say because of a tear falling from her eye.

Eun Ji was about to continue to answer but someone familiar came walking to their direction. "Eun Ji ah." A deep male voice called.

"Oh H-Hello." Jae Suk greeted and bowed at Jung Woo as he stands beside Eun Ji.

Since Jung Woo knew about Eun Ji and Jae Suk's situation, he quickly gripped Eun Ji's wrist and asked with concern, "What you even doing here? Why are you with him?"

"A-Ah it's nothing, o-oppa. I--"

"Let's go." Jung Woo dragged her away but suddenly stopped and looked back at Jae Suk, adding, "Oh and stay away from her... I gave you a chance two years ago, but you wasted it."


"Oh hello, Jung Woo hyung, how are you?" Jae Suk greeted as Jung Woo enters the cafe they both agreed to meet at.

"Oh hey. I'm fine, I'm fine, what about you?" Jung Woo asked back.

"I'm fine too, hyung. Would you like me to order some food?"

"If that's what you want then sure." Jung Woo said and settled down on the table.


"So... You're dating my sister, huh?" Jung Woo started a topic as they both wait for their order.

"A-Ah yes." Jae Suk answered smiling.

Jung Woo chuckles and asks, "How's it like? You know... Dating my sister?"

Jae Suk took a while but confidently answered, "It's basically great, hyung." He paused for a while. "She's... Very different from the past relationships I had... I can see her with me for the rest of our lives." Jae Suk said with so much sincerity.

Jung Woo felt the sincerity and smiles. "So you do love her, huh?"

Jae Suk nodded without hesitation. "I don't wanna lose her." He said and took a sip from his juice.

The two remained silent for a while.

"I'll give you a chance." Jung Woo spoke up.


"I rarely give chances to guys who try to win her over after her first breakup but... I'll give you a chance to make her the happiest woman in the world." Jung Woo said and made Jae Suk smile.

"Thank you, hyung. I will do my best. I promise I will make that chance worth it and even make her the happiest woman in the wholeeeeeeee universe too!" Jae Suk spoke with such happiness.

Jung Woo laughed and smiled at him, adding, "No second chances okay? Make this chance count."

"Yes!" Jae Suk proudly answered and smiled with Jung Woo, hoping that everything they said would be real.


Jung Woo dragged Eun Ji as far away from Jae Suk but Eun Ji stopped him by removing his grip with force.

"Ah why are you like this, oppa?!" Eun Ji almost shouted at him.

"Why are you even seeing him, Eun Ji ah? You two are done, right so what the heck are you doing there?" Jung Woo asked with such concern.

"We're just having breakfast together and talked, oppa! Why do you even care about that?! Do you--"

"Because I'm your brother! I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt again. Seeing him makes you cry and want to come back to him. And again, I don't want you to cry." Jung Woo explained to her.

"If you care about me, then why don't you just let me do what I want, feel what I want, go where I want, and love who I want?" Eun Ji asked Jung Woo and left him speechless.

She walks inside her apartment, immediately leaning on the door after shutting it and cried.

Tears fell like flood, she couldn't stop herself.


The night came, Eun Ji walks inside a bar seeing Dae Won and her friends all gathered in a table.

Everyone started having fun while Eun Ji just kept asking for so much beer. She kept drinking so many bottles making all of her friends concerned about her.

"Ya, Ahn Eun Ji." Dae Won tried tapping Eun Ji's shoulders. She looks at Dae Won making him see how red her cheeks are from so much drinks.

"Ya, stop drinking. You're already drunk." Dae Won said but Eun Ji kept drinking the bottle she was holding.

"I'm not d-drunk!" Eun Ji strongly denies and smiling afterwards. "Mister, another bottle please!" Eun Ji shouts.

"Ya, unnie! You're very drunk!" Bae Eun shouted at her.

"I don't care! Mister, another!"


An hour passed but still, they couldn't stop her from drinking.

While in the middle of drinking, Eun Ji suddenly grabs her phone. "Let me call someone~~" Eun Ji said and started looking at her contacts.

She then got confused, "Oh, his number is not saved? Eyy!" Eun Ji shouted at then checked her keypad.

The numbers of that person was inside her mind all along. She pressed the numbers and dialed.

The probability of that person answering was so low but all of a sudden, the call was answered.

"Hello?" Jae Suk's deep and slightly awake voice spoke through the phone.

"Ya! Yoo Jae Suk! This is Ahn Eun Ji!" Eun Ji shouted which made her friends hear what she said.

"Ya, unnie! Why are you calling Yoo Jae Suk??" Bae Eun panicked.

"Eun Ji ah?" Jae Suk replied.

"Ya, Yoo Jae Sukkkkkkk!!! Come here and pick me up!" Eun Ji shouted and starts to get dizzy.

"Are you... Drunk? Where are you?" Jae Suk asked with concern.

"No!! I'm... Not drunk! Why would I be drunk?! HAHAHA!!" Eun Ji laughed so hard.

"You are drunk. Let me pick you up okay? Where are you right now?"

"Hmmmm..." Eun Ji looked around and sees the sign at the counter. "Ah! S Bar!" Eun Ji said with a very drunken smile.

"Stay there okay? I'll be there real quick." Jae Suk said and quickly stood up heading to the bathroom and ended the call.

"Ya, are you crazy??!" Dae Won shouted at Eun Ji after the call was ended.

"My knight in shining armor is cominggggg!!!" Eun Ji said as she wears a very drunken smile while the rest of the gang had no choice and just gave each other "we're doomed" looks.


"Ahn Eun Ji?" Eun Ji was called as soon as the bar door opened. They all turned around and it was Jae Suk all in casual clothes.

"OoooOooOhhhhHhhH! Jae Suk ssi!!"

[COMPLETED] Those Broken Promises -- y.jaesukWhere stories live. Discover now