Help from a Friend (Tommy+Tubbo Hurt/Comfort)

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⚠️warning!! this story talks about/mentions abuse n injury n other sad stuff!! please read with caution!!⚠️

why is everything i write hurt/comfort, fuck-

i should probably worry about what that says about me and my mental health level, really

also part three of icarus might not be out for a while, i wrote it but it turned out p shit so im redoing it
Plink. Plink. Plink. Pli-

"What the fuck is that?" Tommy exclaimed, finally pushing away from his pc to see what kept making the small, echoing noise that filled the room.

Upon a first sweep of the room, he found nothing. However on a second look, the avian started when he saw a small rock hitting his window. Tommy opened it, then dodged as another pebble flew through the window. He almost shouted at the person before he realized who it was. Tubbo waved from the ground, bruised and battered to no end; still, he smiled.

"Can you let me in?" the brunet requested as he dropped the other small rocks he'd accumulated. "It's quite cold out here."

"Right, yeah- I'll be down in a minute," Tommy called back, finally snapping from his stupor.

Although spur of the moment visits from his friend weren't uncommon, Tubbo always called or at least texted before hand. For him to show up unannounced, covered in bruises and was odd, to say the least. Tommy waved to Wilbur in the living room, ignoring his question of 'what are you doing?' to let Tubbo in through the patio door of their kitchen.

"Thanks for not leaving me to fend for myself," the brunet joked weakly, smiling wider when Tommy laughed. "And sorry for not calling, my phone broke because I...dropped it, yeah. I'm so clumsy, right?"

Tubbo laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. His loose sleeve slipped down, and Tommy didn't miss the large, hand-shaped bruise that wrapped around his entire wrist. The ram-hybrid caught his gaze, and quickly put his arm down at his side and pulled down his sleeve. The avain's eyebrows furrowed, but he kept his mouth shut as Wilbur walked in.

"Oh, hello, Tubbo," the older teen greeted, getting a slightly-strained smile in return. "Why are you here so late?"

"O-Oh- My d-dad had to work late, so I thought I would just see if I could spend the night or something...s-sorry, should I not've?"

Wilbur glanced at the stove clock, then flicked his tail. It was almost 10 o'clock at night, and Tubbo's dad was still working? Something about that didn't feel right to Wilbur. Still, the raccoon-hybrid smiled and pat Tubbo on the shoulder, not commenting on the small flinch of Tubbo's body.

"No, everything's fine," Wilbur assured him, "I'll let Dad know you're here, he's on the roof right now."

"And he didn't invite me?!" Tommy gasped in mock-offense, earning a chittering laugh from his brother and small giggles from his friend. The avian smiled, having accomplished his goal; Tubbo was laughing, and that was a large step up from his previous glassy stare and forced smile.

"You guys go upstairs and get some sleep," Wilbur commanded them, flicking the side of Tommy's head when he rolled his eyes. "Just do it, Tommy. You need sleep."

"Whatever. C'mon, Tubbo."

With one last shaky smile to Wilbur, Tubbo followed Tommy up the stairs, but the two were stopped by a figure in their way. The blond groaned; "Why are you standing in front of my door, Techno?"

Techno's eyes flickered from Tommy to Tubbo, who gulped and averted his eyes downward. The piglin's red eyes bore through the small teen - Tubbo felt as though Techno was picking through his soul - until he looked back at Tommy.

"I heard Tubbo's voice," Techno stated blandly, although there was a bit of vindication in his voice. "I thought we agreed that you'd tell me when you were having friends over, Tommy."

Tubbo felt his hands start to shake; that's the tone Dad uses when he's really, really mad. His throat began to close up, chest constricting under his panicked spiral. A hand then closed on his wrist, and Tubbo stumbled as he was pulled forward. He barely recognized that it was Tommy, who had pushed past his brother and dragged the ram-hybrid into his room, and not his drunken father, ready to completely beat him into oblivion.

"Just ignore him, Tubbo, Techno's just a- Tubbo?"

Tommy had finally released his friend's wrist, filling with confusion when Tubbo whipped his arm back and held it to his chest. Tears clouded the brunet's yellowish eyes, cradling his bruised wrist delicately. Tommy's eyes widened; he hadn't grabbed Tubbo that hard, which meant that bruise was already there. That, with the tears and unannounced visit...

Something bad happened at home.

Not sure of what else to do, Tommy pulled his friend into a delicate hug. (a/n: remember kids, don't be weird; don't ship minors) Tubbo immediately reciprocated it, clinging to the avian's shirt and crying softly. Tommy brought his hand up and began combing it through the brunet's hair, mindful of his small horns that barely poked through.

The teens stood together in silence - other than Tubbo's crying, and the occasional comforting words from Tommy - just holding each other (a/n: again, not a ship) until Tubbo's sobs diminished to quiet sniffles and hiccups. Neither of them said anything; instead, Tubbo lay on the bed, Tommy sat on the edge of it and still brushing back his hair gently.

"T-Toms?" Tubbo whispered, bloodshot eyes tired from his crying. Tommy gave a questioning hum, so the ram-hybrid continued, "ple-ease don't m-make me go b-back..."

"You're not going back," Tommy agreed immediately, hand stilling over Tubbo's forehead. "I won't let you. I'll tell Phil your dad's out of town or some shit, he won't care."

"'Kay, but y-you can't tell him- w-why, please, Toms," Tubbo begged, fresh tears springing to his eyes. Tommy wiped them away gently with his thumb.

"Whatever you want, Tubs."

I'm never letting that bastard touch him again.
there'll be an short extra soon, it's only gonna be like 400 words, i think

it'll just be Phil and Tommy's conversation, but knowing me it'll be dramatic as hell

which is always a good time, ya know ;)

nenenwkksks god im never doing that again

(1079 words)

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