Trust (DreamNap Hurt/Comfort)

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⚠️warning!! this story contains mentions of/involves abuse, bullying, self-hate, past self-harm n some other sad stuff!! there's also a small sex mention at the end!! please read with caution!!⚠️

ha dream angst brain go brrrrr

also get ready for a lot of hurt/comfort

anyway enjoy the sad-ish fluff \(^o^)/
Dream awoke to the sound of birds chirping just outside his window, then sighed. He sunk down into his sheets, wishing they'd swallow him whole and keep him from doing what he planned. From beyond his closed door, Dream could hear a voice chattering loudly to seemingly no one - Sapnap was already up. It must be pretty late if Sap's up before me. Dream chuckled at the thought.

Glancing over at his alarm clock, the blond's eyes widened; it said 1:37pm. Dream peeled himself from the bed, shivering when the cold air hit his skin. Still, he padded from the bed to his closet, grabbing the same green jacket he'd worn for the last six years of his life. The soft fabric slid over his shoulders, concealing the almost marbled skin that covered them. Dream turned to reach his dresser, but caught his own reflection in the mirror.



Mirror shards lay around Dream's feet and stuck out from his hands, blood bubbling up where his knuckles were scraped. His hands then began to shake, only dribbling magenta blood over the carpet and shattered glass. Footsteps thundered in the hall, the door slammed open by Sapnap.

"Dream, are you okay? I heard something...breaking..." Sapnap hesitated, eyes flickering over the broken glass, miscolored blood and Dream's trembling hands. The spider-hybrid male could feel his boyfriend's eyes on him, burning through his skin.

"C-Can you leave?" Dream asks shakily, voice not even above a whisper. "I need to finish c-changing."

Sapnap almost stumbled. Of the many things Dream would do, stutter was not one of them; he was much too arrogant for that. But out of respect for his boyfriend's privacy, the ravenette left, although hesitant. When the door shut behind them, Dream let slip a small sob, wiping away the tears as well as he could.

Through his tears, the blond searched for his mask, a shaky sigh of relief escaping his lips when he found it. Dream didn't bother to change from his pajama pants; he didn't have the dexterity or motivation at the moment. He slid down the hall and into the kitchen, where Sapnap was preparing sandwiches.

"Hey, baby," Sapnap greeted, not mentioning the fact that he hadn't changed like he'd told them. "I'll take care of your hands and you can eat, okay?"

The ravenette didn't wait for an answer, instead pushing Dream into a chair and grabbing a pair of tweezers. It only took about a half an hour to get the glass out and bandage his hands, but the blond thought he might starve to death in that time. Sapnap tilted his head curiously, small ears flicking; Dream had eaten that sandwich like he'd never see food again...but why?

"Why'd you eat so fast? That's how you get a stomachache, idiot," Sapnap groaned, hitting Dream's shoulder gently as he grabbed the plate. "And you didn't eat last night, don't think I didn't notice."

Dream thought about the words for a moment, then gulped. He thought a bit longer, trying to find a better way to phrase 'I had a panic attack and then passed out before dinner last night.' Soon enough, he found an answer.

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