Small, Dumb Children (Platonic Dream Team Fluff)

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!small warning for passing out!

so i have five cats, which means i know a lot about cats

and my favorite fact about house cats is that they see humans as just smol, inarticulate kittens who can't take care themselves and that's why they bring us things (dead animals, socks, toys, etc.)

and bc George is a cat hybrid i thought it'd be funny if he did the same kind of thing but for the dream team
At first, they didn't notice. The occasional bump or bruise that they didn't ice had George throwing a hissy fit, the fact that no one was allowed to cook except for him; they figured he was just being overly-cautious, especially considering their lack of cooking ability. It just kinda became a normal part of their lives.

Then came the confusing bits. One time while sparring, Sapnap blacked out for a few minutes, probably from dehydration. Dream carried him back inside, but George was already at the back door, ears and tail flicking in upset, as if he could sense that one of them was in trouble. The moment the blond set Sapnap on the couch George curled up next to him, growling and glaring at their roommate.

'Mine my kitten protect protect,' his cat half hisses, his pupils only slits as Dream tries to step closer. A warning hiss instinctively escapes from his chest, so Dream backs off and leaves them be. George is now purring, happily brushing his hand through Sapnap's hair as the ravenette stirs. The moment his eyes open, the cat-hybrid spews questions out as fast as he can without tripping on his tongue. "Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me you weren't feeling good? Do you need anything?"

"Dude, I'm fine!" Sap protests, color finally returning to his cheeks, "I just didn't drink enough water, I'm really fine." The moment the words leave his lips, George bolts to the kitchen and is back in seconds, shoving a water bottle into Sapnap's hands.

George makes him drink it all, the whole time purring and picking grass off of his shirt. He doesn't even realize that he's got Sapnap on his lap until Dream comes back in and starts wheezing. Soon, Sap has the bottle drained, and George finally lets him go, although his tail is nearly between his legs.

'Nooo kitten dont leave keep kitten stay,' his cat half yowls, a small mewl slipping from his lips on accident. He hadn't meant for anyone to hear, but Dream certainly did.

"George? You alright?" He asks, still wheezing a bit.

George laughs and shakes his head, although the sadness still lingers. "Yeah, I'm fine," he half-lies, glancing at the clock and then back at Dream. "It's almost time for lunch. Sandwiches?"

"Sure, but we can-"

George is walking to the kitchen before Dream even manages to finish, tail swaying happily. He's humming as he makes all three of them sandwiches; two for him and Dream, and three for Sapnap, who, as a panda, needs to eat more naturally. He brushes off the panda when he offers to help, instead shoving one of the sandwiches into his hands. When Dream walks in, he does the exact same thing. As the three eat, it's mostly silent, although there's the faint sound of George's purring.

'Kittens kittens kittens my kittens,' his cat half purrs with him, content that they were finally letting him take care of them.

Dream finishes first, so George happily bonks his head against his chin, purring much more obvious now. The blond smiles and ruffles his hair, then leaves to do...whatever he does, neither of them are sure what. However, George knows exactly where Sapnap is going when he finishes his food - which is to take a nap - but not before George bonks him too.

They fall into a routine like this fairly fast, and it's no longer considered odd; George likes taking care of them, and they like being taken care of. Simple as that.
cuties :]

ok now get ready for angst >:3

(681 words)

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