Underneath the stars ~ Logicality

Start from the beginning

“Hey,” whispered Patton, gently nuzzling against Logan’s cheek. “Haven’t you been working for hours?”

“Only five-”

“Five?!” Patton exclaimed a little too loudly, shocked at the length of time Logan had been working. His boyfriend quickly shushed him, finally turning away from his work to Patton, who giggled and Logan chuckled softly as he held the hand that had flown to the moral side’s mouth.

“Logan, that’s too long,” Patton said when he lowered his hand, Logan still holding onto it. He sighed as he turned back on his chair to his work and the eleven papers he had been writing on.

“If I’m to be completely honest, it’s not really. Majority of the time I work for around six hours, nearly seven even sometimes,” admitted Logan, which Patton reacted to with crossed arms and an expression that silently communicated ‘Why?!’, like how a mother would react to her child confessing to a juvenile crime.

“I’m aware that it’s far from healthy Patton. I just constantly get carried away sometimes. I can’t draw myself away from work and truth be told it exhausts me… a lot.” Logan looked down and took off his glasses, pinching the bridge of nose and squeezing his eyes shut. When his eyelids closed, his eyes felt sore and he assumed it was because he hadn’t been blinking for an extended period of time.

Patton’s stern expression melted into sympathy seeing how tired Logan was and he understood that Logan never intended to stay up so late and that he genuinely didn’t mean to. He walked around the chair to face his boyfriend then took his hand.

“Wanna take a break?” he asked, a hint of excitement appearing in Patton’s voice. Logan looked up and smirked at the moral side before him, gripping his hand a little tighter and laughed airily.

“That would be nice.”

Then Patton grinned eagerly and gently pulled his boyfriend up by the hand to the outside of The Imagination. As they stepped into the fresh, cool evening air of the night, Logan sighed, relieved to be free even for a moment from all the stress. His gaze shifted from the star speckled blanket of midnight blue to his boyfriend who, in his eyes, shined brighter than a million spotlights from above. He was forever grateful to be able to call Patton his own and even more thankful that the moral side was able to solve his problems in the best ways possible.

The two continued to stroll through the fields of The Imagination, hand-in-hand, side-by-side with nothing to interrupt their lovely moment alone. They continued walking in subtle conversation and reminisced about memories and laughed about the past.

Patton and Logan had forgotten how much they missed doing this with each other and it wasn’t until now, that they realised how much they valued each other in their lives and how empty it had been without them a part of it.

Glancing up at the stars, Logan smiled as an idea popped into his head. Raising the hand in his, he said, “Dance with me Patton,” then pulled him close, making the bubbly side’s cheeks flush as red as a rose, however due to the lowlight of the night, Patton’s blush was concealed, much to his relief.

With each step and occasional spins, Patton’s muscles eased and slowly released its tension, growing more comfortable in this intimate moment with Logan - not that he wasn’t comfortable around him before, but no matter how many times Logan held him close, Patton always grew nervous, just like he had been before when his burning love was merely an ember of a crush a few years ago.

Logan led the dance as Patton followed, contrasting and pairing their movements together to fit like a glove on a hand. Logan carefully twirled his grinning boyfriend every once in a while, and whenever he did, a bubble of giggles burst from Patton, each laugh sourcing from a heart swelling with adoration.

And Logan could sense it. He could practically feel it. Patton’s laughs infected him, making him chuckle along to the sound of bashful happiness and saturating his once worn out body with affectionate energy.

After a couple minutes, the excitement of the evening and the dance died down and they transitioned into a slow sway, Logan continuing to hold Patton close to him whilst Patton, in response, rested his head on the logical side’s chest, listening to the tender thumping of a heart that he knew beat for him and him alone.

Patton exhaled contently, his eyes closed, a blissful smile tracing his lips. He then looked up to Logan, who met his eyes simultaneously, as if he knew Patton would look at him in advance.

“Feel better?” he said so softly that it could almost pass as a whisper. Logan’s heart burned with blazing affection at the tenderness of Patton’s tone. He was certain that if he were a flame, he would burn brighter than even the sun, powered solely by his love for Patton. A warm smile spread across Logan’s face as he gazed at his wonderful boyfriend that he knew he didn’t deserve, but would be forever thankful for.

“Yes. Very much so,” Logan answered through his smile as he leant down and sweetly but firmly kissed Patton, feeling the curl of his lips against his own.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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