Chapter 1: The decision

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"Shut up! I am not red chat!"

"Are you sure? Because I think Daddy Dream~ can disprove that theory..."


Listening to his two friends bicker like this was something Clay experienced on the daily. The three of them shouting over each other throwing meaningless insults like children in the school yard. Clay, George, and Nick had been friends forever so deep down, they all knew the harsh words meant nothing. They were just playing it up for the viewers.

"Oh, come on now, you two knock it off," he said with a playful tone. He watched the stream he had open on his second monitor as the chat ran rampant with his words. George had been streaming for the better part of 2 hours at this point.

Daddy dream!

He said the thing!

He did not realize how often he said those words but chuckled softly as his friends had completely ignored his heed to stop arguing.


They played on the SMP for a while longer, indulging in some role-play to the dismay of the Brit in the call, and just enjoyed each other's company. He heard George say to his chat that he was going to call off the stream and they all said their goodbyes. He watched to his other monitor as his friend switched to a closer view of his webcam and gave smiles and waves to his camera. Deep down, Clay was jealous.

He longed for a while to look at his fans with his true identity and show them how much he appreciated them. Showing his face was a thought that truly scared him. He knew that he would not live up to the expectations that his fans had of him. He brushed his dirty blond curls away from his forehead as he continued to think about how he would go about it. It was not the first time he had thought about it, after all. It was a scary thought, but also an exciting thought. He really wanted to get over his nervousness and just be transparent to his fans. He had played with the pros and cons for a while in his head, but as he watched how happy George seemed to be saying goodbye to his fans with a confidence Clay knew he lacked, he thought finally that the pros outweigh the cons.

After being sure that George's stream was no longer running, he piped up.

"I want to do it," he said. The silence of his friends made him realize he had only been thinking up until now, so he clarified, "a face reveal I mean..."


Nick's voice carried through from his room down the hall before it came through their voice call. He burst in the door of Clay's office and gave him a worried look.

"Are you sure?"

All Clay could muster to say was, "Yeah...I'm sure."

The Reveal - A Dreamnotfound fluff-fictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن