Chapter Nineteen- It's Ben, not Kylo

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"What?!" said Finn and Poe in unison.

"He's good now" said Rey, smiling at Ben. "He's on our side."

"I don't believe you, Rey" said Finn.

"She's telling the truth" Ben cut in.

"Shut up Ren" Poe snapped.

"Thanks Captain A**hole, but it's Ben Solo now" said Ben.

Poe scoffed.

"Yeah right. And don't call me that!"

Rey smirked at Poe's nickname, she guessed that Ben had been planning it for a while now.

"You're really Ben Solo again?" asked Finn. Ben nodded. "Not Kylo Ren." Ben shook his head.

"When did this happen?" asked Poe.

"My mother's death" said Ben.

Poe looked absolutely broken, Finn looked down, Rey just looked sad. It had to be said.

"The good thing is she's not alone now" Ben continued.

"What?" said Rey.

"Luke. Palpatine's dead... so is he" said Ben.

Tears began to form in Rey's eyes. Suddenly the ship wobbled a little catching the passengers onboard off guard and they heard a raw from Chewbacca. Poe walked to the pilot's room.

"When we land, I want him off this ship."

Finn followed; he poked his head down another corridor shouting down to say it was alright to come out. Rose came out, followed by R2D2, C3PO, and BB8. The girl looked at Rey and smiled, blushing sightly at the sight of Ben, standing so strong and handsome, even though both he and Rey were drenched in blood and ripped clothing. The droids, Finn, and Rose followed Poe into the pilot's room, Chewie still heard pressing buttons, talking with his friends, while pushing Porgs off the tables with his big hairy arms. Ben and Rey were left alone inside next to the ramp of the falcon.

Unexpectedly, as soon as they were alone, Rey threw her arms around Kylo and began to sob into his chest.

"Rey? Asked Ben.

"Luke's gone" she manged out.

"I'm so sorry sweetie" said Ben. "He told me to run."

"I know."

Ben sighed.

"Come on" he said. Ben tipped Rey so that he held under her legs and her back, she hung onto his neck as he lifted her in his arms and walked into a different room. Ben knew his way around the Falcon better than Rey, Poe, or Finn did. He came to the main hanger were there was a long-cushioned seat next to the holo-chess table. Sitting down, Ben sat Rey on his lap, she unburied her head from his chest and looked into his eyes, wiping at her tears with her hand. Ben ran his fingers through Rey's hair, that was still tied up in her signature three buns.

"My friends don't trust you" said Rey.

Ben smiled.

"I know. I don't blame them" said Ben.

Rey laughed a little.

"I want them to trust you and love you, like I do" said Rey.

"Hopefully they don't love me just as much as you do, that would be slightly strange" Ben smirked.

Rey laughed. The two spoke for a while until Rey's eyes slipped closed and she began to dream, her dark lashes fluttering. Ben laid Rey's head on his shoulder and lifted her legs onto the cushion they sat on, she still sat on his lap.

Ben remembered falling asleep on the Falcon when he was a boy, after Han came through to say goodnight, Chewie use to pull blankets from under the holo-chess table and cover the sleeping boy with them. Holding his hand out, Ben used the force to lift a fluffy blanket out from the same table, he pulled it over Rey and carefully undid her hair, so it fell over her shoulders.

The man did not take his eyes off the sleeping Rey, he seemed to be in a trace, so strong that he did not hear Chewbacca walk into the room until he let out a raw quietly and startled Ben.

"Chewie!" Ben whispered.

Chewie sat down next to Ben, smacking him on the arm as he did so. The Wookie began to tell Ben off as if he was still a child.

"I know" Ben was actually listening, if there had been one person Ben had loved in his past, it had been Chewbacca.

"I'm so sorry. But I'm here now and I want to change, I have changed, I want to avenge father, and mother. I want to destroy the resistance."

Ben fell asleep eventually, Chewie did as he use to, covering him as a blanket and studying Ben's sleeping face, so innocent, so young.

Poe, Rose, and Finn came in a few minutes later. Their eyes fell upon Ben and Rey, they instantly weakened at the sight of the two, they looked so clam, so happy, in love.

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