Dominic enters first, shooting multiple men that run towards him. He hears a loud feminine scream in the distance and his head instantly turns towards where the sound comes from.

He sees a tall brunette man with a faded beard dragging a weak brunette girl down the corridor of the warehouse. It's Matteo and Hope.

In the couple seconds that he loses focus, a man uses this as an opportunity to lunge towards Dominic. Dominic's gun falls to the ground and slides away from him as he now has to defeat the man in combat. The man currently lays on top of Dominic, his gun aiming towards his head. Before he could even blink, a bullet sweeps past Dominic's eyes and hits the man on the wrist. The man drops his gun and screams in agony as Dominic glances towards where the bullet came from.

Carter currently stands, gun in hand, as he shoots men surrounding his best friends. Dominic lifts himself up and rushes towards his gun, squatting down to lift it up. Before his hand can wrap around the gun firmly, another man pounces on Dominic's back. Dominic stands up, and turns around, "wrong choice" he growls as he lifts his arm up and swings a hefty right hook straight in the guys jaw. The guy stumbles back slightly but quickly recovers. He aims his gun at Dominic, but Dominic was prepared. He lifts his hands and wraps them around the guys wrist, he twists it around his back as he knees the man in the stomach until he drops the gun to the ground. Dominic lifts his foot and kicks the mans back, a proud feeling spread around him as he hears the crack of his back. He ducks instantly as he feels the presence of another couple of people. Dominic swings left and right hooks, some hitting the multiple men attempting to attack him and some being dodged. He roundhouse kicks one man, who accidentally misses and shoots one of his members who stand behind Dominic. Dominic grabs the forearm of the person standing next to him and flips him over his back, the man lands on the ground with a grunt while clutching at his sides. Dominic lifts a random gun from the ground and proceeds to shoot the men laying on the floor.

He looks back up towards where he saw Hope screaming for help earlier and rushes towards it.

Kyle and Cole stand with their backs facing towards each other as they shoot Matteo's men surrounding them. Cole attempts to shoot but nothing comes out when he pulls the trigger. The man standing in front of him begins to smirk, assuming this was his chance to kill Cole. He couldn't be more wrong, Cole pulls out a knife from behind his belt and slashes the man's throat. Blood splashes everywhere as he continues his gruesome killings. The bodies fall to the ground with a thud. Little did the men know, Cole's favourite part of a fight was when the knives come in.

Dominic runs as fast as he possibly can, following the narrow hallways until he finally sees her.

Oblivious to Dominic's presence, Matteo grabs a handful of Hope's hair in his hand as he drags her away from Dominic. She cries and begs for him to let her go from behind him as she struggles to keep herself standing. Matteo turns around and slaps Hope across the face. Dominic's blood boils even more, if that's even possible as he lifts the unknown person's gun and shoots at Matteo, it hits him on his right leg. He yells in pain as he collapses to the ground, grabbing hold of his leg as he curls up.

Thankfully, two of Dominic's men enter behind him. "Get the bastard" Dominic orders before he rushes over to the woman he loves and lifts her weak body up.

She flinches back slightly and pushes Dominic away from her with the palm of her hand, before looking up into his dark green eyes, "D-Dom?" She struggles to say as she chokes on her tears. "I'm here baby" he replies in a soft whisper as his eyes fill with regretful tears. He places one of his arms behind her knees and the other on her back and lifts her up, bridal style, she leans her head away from him as he walks back towards the main area of the warehouse.

The gunshots and fighting had died down until it was practically silent as he roams the dark hallways. She cries tiredly, "you're okay now baby" he reassures her in a whisper as he kisses her forehead gently.

Hope's POV:

We enter a large brightly lit room and I take note of all the bodies laying limp on the ground, the majority of them are not Dominic's men. A head full of bright blonde hair catches my eye as I turn towards it. Matt lifeless blue eyes are left open and staring directly into me.

"Hope" I hear a loud, deep voice. I look up through my heavy, puffy eyes at Kyle who is running towards me, his hand releasing the grip on his gun as it falls to the ground with a shattering clink sound. Following him are Carter and Cole, worried expressions glued to all of their faces as they eye my appearance.

My body contains multiple bruises and cuts, I wear my skirt and a white tank top that are now both stained with my dark red blood.

"Put me down" I request to Dominic, he eyes me hesitantly before obliging and placing me down. The second my foot touches the ground, a shocking pain erupts from my stomach. I scream in pain and agony as I double down and clutch onto my stomach. Tears stream down my bruised face as I continue to scream at the unending pain, it's definitely the worst pain I have ever felt in my life and I beg to the gods that I don't believe in for the pain to stop.

I notice a stream of blood begin to travel down my legs and my mind instantly clicks. I fall to the ground and scream in both physical and mental pain until my vision fills with dark spots. I ignore the muffled shouting of low voices surrounding me and the multiple people lightly gripping my arms and shoulders. I close my eyes, wishing this was all just a bad dream and wait for the silence to arrive, and the pain to be over as I keep my grip on my stomach.

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