~Chapter 4~

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Italics are Zara's thoughts just fyi

The gun fires stopped and everyone was told to show themselves. Zara got up and Thomas quickly stood in front of her. 

"Aris?" One of the shooters recognised one of the kids

"Harriet?" He responded just as shocked

"Sonya?!" He cried as his eyes averted to a blonde girl. They hugged and soon everyone was walking towards a camp area. There were loads of people walking around and there were tents everywhere. It seemed like there was a festival. 

Zara noticed she wasn't feeling good. Her forehead was sweating up and her breathing became heavy. She found it hard to focus on the people around her. She was hot and dizzy. She either wanted to be sick or faint. The guys with guns that were making sure they weren't dangerous noticed this.

"Hey what's wrong with this one?" He asked and everyone's attention had turned to Zara. 

"N-nothing I'm f-fine" She stuttered

"Jesus Zara you look awful!" Brenda exclaimed as she came to her side. Jorge was by her side soon and asking what happened but Zara couldn't talk anymore. Instead she collapsed in their arms. As she fell her shirt got lifted enough to reveal the bite. 

"THERE'S A CRANK!" The men shouted and raised their guns to aim at Zara. As soon as the guns were raised, Thomas, Newt, Minho and Frypan stood around her to protect her from getting shot

"Zara why didn't you tell us?" Jorge shout whispered.

"You can't shoot her! There has to be a cure! She's only 14 you can't kill her!" Newt yelled. 

Zara was no longer conscious.


"I'm a doctor let me through!" A woman yelled as she ran to Zara's side. 

"Thomas bring her to the tent" She said

"How do you know my name?" 

"We'll talk later, just bring her with you" She said urgently. Thomas picked Zara up bridal style and carried her to the tent the woman was walking to

"Your going to be ok Zara, I don't know you that well but I do know you're a tough kid. You'l get through this" He whispered to her as he entered the tent and set her down on a bed. He sat beside her as he spoke to the doctor. 

~~Time skip cause I can't remember what their convo was about~~

Zara's eyes fluttered open

Where the fuck am I? Shit is Thomas sleeping? What's Newt doing here? They're both asleep. Better not wake them up. 

She slowly got up and propped herself up against a pillow. Her waist was killing her. She looked down and saw that it didn't look worse but it didn't look better. 

She decided she needed some air so she left a note to let them know she was okay when they woke up.

I'm just getting some air :)

She walked out and realised everyone was asleep and it was night time. She trekked up a hill and sat at the end and let her thoughts run wild. She closed her eyes and leant back to she was lying down.

"Nearly had a chance to see you Alec. I kinda know how you felt now. I'm sorry I couldn't save you. It should've been me and I hate myself everyday that it wasn't. I look at the tattoo and necklace everyday and I remember all the memories we had. I know we loved each other as best friends but for me it was more. I kick myself every day for not telling you that. The thing I regret most in life is not fucking telling you I loved you more than you thought. Even though it might've wrecked our relationship I keep thinking what if it didn't. Would we be together? Maybe if I told you you wouldn't have been where you were when it happened and you would be here with me right now. I love you so much. I really really do and it hurts me. The ache in my bones hurts more than getting bitten than a bitchy zombie. I forever feel empty. I'll never be complete until I can be with you. And that time will come soon." She said as she spoke to the stars. She heard twigs snap and didn't bother to look at who it was.

"Hey Zara, how are you feeling?" Thomas asked as he sat down next to her. She brought herself up to as sitting position. 

"Fine" She muttered. 

"I couldn't help but overhear, who's Alec?" He asked. She mentally face palmed

Really Zara? You couldn't keep your emotions in could you? Idiot. 

"He's my best friend" She said bluntly. 

"Sounded like more than friendship" he said softly. 

"yeah well it doesn't matter anyway cause he's dead" She said and got up to leave

"Hey wait!" He said. She stopped in her tracks and turned around

"Talk to me. I do care you know" He smiled gently. She sighed and sat back down next to him.

"I loved him. I do love him. He was just everything you know? And I know its ridiculous that a 14 year old is in love but this was different. It wasn't normal circumstances. And now he's gone and I'll never get to tell him. Sorry I shouldn't be worrying you with my endless thoughts" She chuckled and felt a bit embarrassed that she let her guard down. 

"Zara I can tell that you have this.. this wall y'know. You seem tough and strong on the outside but your human and you have emotion. I can't for the life of me figure out why you think they aren't as important as everyone else's" He said. She shrugged and looked out onto the camp. They sat and talked about anything and everything until sunrise. Zara fell asleep with her head on his lap. 

A/N: Im not sure how I'm feeling about this story ngl. It didn't turn out how I wanted it to and idk how to make it turn out the way I want. Anyway, this was mostly a Thomas and Zara bonding chapter

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