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Narrator's pov:

Draco put Scorpius down and turned to Quinton. Draco was looking at him with an angry expression.

"Now..." said Draco

"Wow" repeated Scorpius with the same expression on his face 

"You are going to stay here so I will have you on my watch all the time..."

"Wawch" repeated Scorpius

"... You aren't gonna complain, go through my wife's stuff or any of your funny business at all"

"No buwness" repeated Scorpius after Draco

"I am keeping an eye on you, Yang..."

"You" repeated Scorpius

"... And if you dare to come close to my wife again I'll make sure that you won't see daylight again," said Draco

"No dawight" repeated Scorpius

"I guess I just won't have to pay my rent then, sounds good," said Quinton and smirked

"Thanks for reminding me... You'll pay three hundred galleons for sniffing my wife's lingerie" said Draco and crossed his arms

"Thwee hundwed Qwiwon, give mowey," said Scorpius and made a grabby up-turned hand at him

"You two look exactly the same," said Quinton

"And you wook stowid," said Scorpius and ran off somewhere

"You do look stupid," said Draco and the bell rang

"PIWAAAA!" yelled Scorpius and ran to open the door.

Draco ran behind him and protected his head from bumping into the door, he moved him aside and the boy just looked up at him as he paid. The man was from a muggle restaurant since the wizarding world doesn't know what pizza is. Draco thanked, took the pizzas and closed the door. He barely kept the cardboard boxes steady because Scorpius kept on hanging himself on his legs.

"Scorpius I am going to step on your fingers," he said

"I WAWT PIWAAAAAA!" yelled Scorpius with his eyes closed and tugging on Draco's sweatpants

Elle came and got Scorpius off Draco's leg.

"Scorpius calm down, you will get pizza just wait for a little," she said, threw him over her shoulder and walked before Draco into the living room 

Scorpius made grabby hands towards the pizza and almost started crying.

"PIWAA!" he yelled and Elle sat him down on the couch next to Quinton

He stood up on the couch and started jumping on it. He bumped his elbow into Elle's breast and then almost fell off but Draco caught him, he put him down and kneeled before him.

"Scorpius!" he yelled while trying not to be too harsh so he won't scare him again

"Calm down. You almost got hurt two times and hurt momma" Draco explained and the boy looked down

"I wawt piwa" he said in a sad tone

"And you will get it, just calm down first and wait," said Draco, stood up and sat next to Elle

"Where did he hurt you?" asked Draco with a low, loving tone

"My boob," said Elle, rolled her eyes and turned down to Scorpius

"Come on," she said and put him in her lap

"What pizza do you want? We have that one's with no extras, that one's with seafood and that one with pineapple" she said while pointing at the food in front of them

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