"Do you think it's warm enough?" He asked as he reached past me to check the water.

Feeling his naked body pressed against mine felt amazing and I was trying so freaking hard to hide my smile!

"It's good" he said as he shook the water off his hand.

He looked down at me and the tension between us was so God damn intense!

I quickly broke it by getting in the shower and of course, he followed. We started flicking water and soap suds at each other, but me and Tommy always took things way too far with our immaturity.

We started squirting bottles of shampoo at each other and then Tommy suggested we spiked each other's hair up so we looked like a troll doll...

"You know, you look beautiful in the morning" he said as he looked down at me and put his hands on my hips.

"Even when I have my hair like this?" I giggled as I put my arms around his neck.

"What do you mean! This look is sexy!" He said as he pulled the shower curtain back and looked in the mirror, blowing a kiss at himself.

I rolled my eyes and started to wash the shampoo from my hair. Tommy picked up the conditioner bottle and helped me apply it to the ends of my hair.

"You know, I've been thinking I might go blonde, change things up" I said as he finger combed my hair.

"What! Why!?" He said.

"All the pretty girls are blonde... I mean, look at Sharise and that girl from ABBA... Stevie Nicks...Marilyn..." I shrugged as I started to list off names.

"Will you stop comparing yourself to Sharise and every other fucking bimbo out there!? I wish you'd realise how beautiful and different you are and that I fucking love you because of it" he snapped before stopping.

We both stood there in silence before I turned around and faced him.


"Don't say things you don't mean, Thomas" I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"Who said I didn't mean it?" He said as he pushed past me and washed his hair.

I was frozen...

What do I say to that!? I mean, I was completely attached to Tommy, I knew I cared about him more than anybody - even Sharise... but did I love him? I mean, as a friend - absolutely... but surely it was too soon to truly fall in love with him!?

I looked at him and I felt the butterflies in my stomach, my chest fluttered and I felt nothing but happiness... true happiness.
I felt safe and loved, for the first time in my adult life and the thought of not having Tommy around was too much to even comprehend.

I took a deep breath...

"I love you too" I muttered as I looked down at the bracelet on my wrist.

"What!?" He exclaimed as he stopped washing his hair and was fixated on me.

"Uhhh... nothing" I said awkwardly as I looked back up at him.

"D-did you just..." he stuttered as he pointed at me.

"What!? No!" I shrugged.

We both stood looking at each other. We knew what we had said and we both knew we meant each and every word.

He walked closer to me with a frown on his face, pressing his body against mine as he cupped my face.

"I love you, Vanessa" he whispered.

"I love you too, Tommy" I whispered.

He smashed his lips against mine and I stood on my tip toes as he held me close to him. Our hands ran all over each others bodies before Tommy picked me up and pushed me against the wall without breaking our kiss.

"Say it again" he groaned as he moved his lips down to my neck.

"I love you, Tommy" I whispered into his ear as I nibbled his earlobe.

I could feel him squeeze my thighs as I said it and I knew it was turning him on.

I pulled his hair slightly and bit my lip.

"So you wanna play like that, huh?" He smirked as he hovered his lips over mine.

What happened next? Dot... Dot...Dot...

Dishing The Dirt: Tommy Lee • Mötley Crüe •Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ