𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 & 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 ~ 𝟓

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Bakugo gets up from the floor and throws his controller on his bed and storms out the room. The boys look at each other and they run after him but Kiri stays and he tries to process what he heard. You and Mina were still talking and then the door flew open and Bakugou walked in with his fist streaming.

"What the hell's wrong with you-" "so you kissed that damn nerd?!" Bakugo says still calm but his fist says otherwise. You look at Mina and your eyes widen in shock. "No i didnt what the hell you were talking about-" he walks towards you. "Don't lie to me i heard you, we all heard you-"

"Get out of my face!" you stand up and push him away. "So what if i did. It's none of your business!" he steps closer "it is my business! I'm not going to have you going out with that damn deku!" sero and denki hold bakugou back. "No it's not! Stop trying to control every little thing I do! And it's not like we're dating, i just kissed him, now get out" mina then takes your arm

"y/n calm down" you then see kirishima walk in your room his face was blank. He grabs bakugos shoulder. "Get the hell off of me-" "shut the hell up and leave her alone" everyone was shocked with kirishima's sudden behavior.

Bakugo gave him a 'tsk' and walked out shaking the boys hands off of him. You stand there still mad that he reacted this way. Once the boys were gone you slammed the door shut. You layed back down on your bed and threw your pillow on your face and screamed. Mina just sat there rubbing your shoulder.

"Hey hey it's perfectly fine, even if you kissed someone bakugou liked he still would end up like this, it's just what he does" you took the pillow off and looked at her with a disbelievable face. "Yeah right, this happens all the time i even get close to a cute boy, like what the fuck! He makes me so mad!" you put the pillow over your face to yell the last part.

"Well i could imagine its because your his little sister, because we all know bakugou and he wasn't this protective of anyone last year" "this is so not fair, he really pisses me off" mina gets up and pats your thigh "it's getting late, so i'm going to go to bed and let you sit and release your anger" she smiles "ok fine, i'll see you tomorrow" you watch her leave your room and you start to get ready for bed.

While mina was on her way she heard music and loud slams from kirishima's room. She sighed and opened his door slowly peeking in his room. She looks to see him hitting his punching bag. His quirk was activated and he was just tearing it up with every punch.

She walks in and she slowly places a hand on Kiris shoulder and he unharden quickly and looks at mina. Once he looks at her his face goes blank again and he notices what he did to his punching bag. He shakes Mina off of him and grabs his water bottle and sits on his bed. She stands in front of him in silence until one of them finally speaks.

"If you're going to tell me that I'll find someone else and get over her, then you can leave now and save it" Mina crosses her arms and walks over and sits next to him. "This is so unmanly of you" kiri wasn't fazed by minas comment.

"This isn't like you, you really like her don't you" kiri looks at her like she has two heads. "Of course I like her, I've never felt this way about anyone before. It's so frustrating." he runs his hand through his hair and sighed loudly.

"But of course midoriya gets her and i'm just here watching her slip out my fingers" mina gets up and slaps him upside the head. "What the hell was that for!" kiri rubs his head "you need to pull yourself together this whole 'im watching her slip through my fingers' act is bullshit, stop giving up and at least try and get with y/n instead of watching and acting like a big baby, man up"

mina then walks out leaving kiri to think about her words of... 'uncoragement'

𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑺 / 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺?  e. kirishimaWhere stories live. Discover now