𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 ~ 𝟑

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You drive back to the dorms and you meet up with katsuki to help you move in. "tch tch tch, i can't believe you got in a fight on your first day" he laughs "shut up" you shove his shoulder and you walk into the dorms and start putting things in your room. Your room was right next to bakugos and minas and you were so happy about those arrangements. It took awhile but you finally got settled in and you wanted to spend your free time doing things before your house arrest.

"Hey katsuki let me see your room" "no" he says walking out of your dorm and to his. "Come onnnnn just let me have a peek pleaseee" you pull his arm and he gets even more annoyed. "Omg let go. Fine but only a peek you got it" you nod your head and he opens the door to his room and the first thing that caught your eye was the black matte drum set that sat in the corner of his room.

You gasp "what?! That's not fair. I wanted my drumset in my room." Katsuki sat on his bed and layed down scrolling through his phone. "Yeah well maybe if you'd have not gotten in a fight the first day you'd probably be given the option to bring yours" he doesn't look up from his phone "hahaha really funny, let me play a few beats"

"no i let you get a peek of my room at that's it, go away you're so annoying" you cross your arms and turn and walk away slowly. "Fine... i'll just have to tell everyone you read romance manga" you say just loud enough so that he could hear you and he most certainly did. He jumped out of his bed and ran towards you "ok ok you can play just don't tell anyone or i will muder you"  you turn and walk to the drumset "yeah i've heard that one before" you sit down and grab the sticks.

Bakugo sits back on the bed. You lift the sticks in the air and you hit on the drums making an amazing beat. You weren't the best but you had some knowledge of how to play because bakugou taught you how to play when you first moved in with the family. You finished your beat and you looked at bakugou for some validation but all you got was an eye roll from the blond.

"Your so boring" you throw the sticks onto bakugos stomach and walk out the room. "Hey take these and put them back!" he yells at you "you do it they're yours" you say before leaving his room. You walk over to Mina's room and knock on her door.

You waited and she opened the door. "Y/n! Come in!" You smiled and you walked in and layed down on her bed. "Wow Mina your room is pretty" Mina sits down in front of her mirror doing her hair. "Thanks y/n! Oh and you never told me what happened at lunch today, you got up and left and the next thing we see you punching the shit out of momo" you sit up and explain

"she was talking shit about me and being hella racist so she got what she deserved" you say proudly. Mina looks at you shocked "are you serious?!" You nod "that's not cute at all but I didn't like her anyways" you two laugh. You then opened the door and it was Denki and Sero.

Mina turns around "wow, ever heard of knocking you should try it sometime, I could have been getting changed for all you know" the boys look at each other. "Well I wouldn't be disappointed" Sero says and you grab a pillow and throw it at him "ew you perv" you all laugh.

You guys talk for awhile getting to know each other more. Time passed and you all laughed at each other, explained your quirks and had a few dance breaks. "So I heard you're going on house arrest?" Ask Mina

"yeah for five days because I broke her nose" "but can't she just get it fixed by a recovery girl?" Denki says eating a bag of chips. "That's what I said! It's not fair" you took a chip from denki and ate it.

"Maaan I thought she was hot too" denki pouts you all laughed and then suddenly the door opened. You all look at the door and see Aizawa standing in the door frame. Ok it's time for bed everyone get back to your own rooms" "but Mr Aizawa" you whine "do you want me to extend your house arrest."

"-oop nooo thank you" you get up and head towards the door. "Bye guys it's only five days I'll be back" you say before you walk out waving goodbye and Aizawa closes the door. "Wow she's hot" Sero says staring at the door. "You can say that again," Denki replies right after him.

Mina rolls her eyes "I can't stand you two, you honestly think you have a chance" she gets up and lays on her bed. "I meannnn-" says denki "you two would be killed by bakugou before you ever got the chance to ask her out"

~Time skip to when you finished your house arrest because Im too lazy to write it~

You turn in your apology letter but it wasn't really an apology. It was along the lines of 'I'm sorry I kicked your ass for being a racist' and then you handed it to Aizawa who then gave it to momo.

So now you were back in school. You finished your first period training and now you are in english with Present Mic. you sat almost in the back. You sat next to Izuku and Sero and Denki sat behind you. And you know how that always gose. Constant leaning over and asking you for the answers and the annoying giggles coming from behind you. But it was a little better due to izuku's presence next to you.

You were listening to Mic give a lecture but you hear Izuku muttering next to you. You lightly tap him on the shoulder to get him out of his trance. "Hey izuku?" you lean in and whisper. "Oh what is it?" he asks, taking the pencil off his lips. "Your muttering again" he blushes out of embarrassment.

"Oh god I'm sorry I just can't help it sometimes" he whispers back. "You're good but you missed quite a lot so here use some of my notes" you smile and hand him your notebook and your hands brush against each other. Izuku smiles some more. "Thanks" he blushes and you blush too but luckily no one could see it.

"Awww y/n you're so nice" "yeah you're so sweet giving midoriya your notes. Sero and denki flirtatiously you turn around "shut up and pay attention." you use your quirk and splash water in their faces and they shut up" and the end of class when the bell rang and everyone was walking out.

"Here are your notes back" he hands you your notebook "thank you let's just hope i can stay focused when i study" you both laugh he goes to walk away but you stop him "if you want i can stop by your room and we can study together" you say and his face lights up. "Really you'd do that?" you smile

"of course anything to help a friend" his cute smile fills the room with happiness "ok then, come over after school my room is on the second floor, i'll see you later, bye!" he waves at you and you wave back.

You were walking to your next class. You were on your phone and that's when you heard your name being called. "Hey y/n wait" you turn to see kirishima. "Oh hey kiri whats up" "You dropped this back there." He hands you your favorite pen. "Omg thank you so much" you were about to leave but he called you again.

"Hey y/n?" "yeah?" you turn facing him "do you wanna hang out after school today" "oh sorry i can't" kirishima's face falls flat rubbing the back of his neck "oh ok, well what are you doing after school?" "I'm studying with izuku today but i really have to get to class, so maybe next time ok"

you say walking quickly to your class leaving kiri there by himself. "I told you so, now hurry up before we're late" Mina grabs Kiri and drags him to class. But he looks at you over his shoulder until you no longer insight.

𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑺 / 𝑳𝑶𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑺?  e. kirishimaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum