Chapter 06: Fraische's Love

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Angered that they had lost their wand, and their mission failed once Zaturn finally escaped, Buio's attacks started to become more violent. Fraische had seen this coming and started to get more defensive than offensive, knowing that her power level is now beyond what she normally can counter. "You lost, Buio. You'll never have your objective. Leave and surrender to the Union."

Her attacks become more violent and the magic power she's pumping into her spells is now five to ten times stronger, putting Fraische into a big disadvantage.

"We have arrived!"

Fraische recognized that voice, that's a member of the special reinforcements Buio used to work with. "We have surrendered the planet and the area, there is no way you can escape now, Parasite!"

Buio, noticing that there's very little chance for her to escape, grabbed Fraische by the neck and pulled her into a hostage situation quickly. "You would think I will let you go so easily, guess what? You're coming with me."

Fraische is already far weaker than her condition on the beginning of the fight. The reinforcements aren't moving in either, they are being careful so she won't hurt Fraische. The parasite they are dealing with is very strong and intelligent after all.

While being pulled into a hug, Fraische can finally take a closer look at Buio's body. She looks alive, her voice, her hair, get gesture and everything is in such a prime condition anyone would mistook her for being the original Buio had they have no idea she's possessed. "Buio...?"

"You're such an idiot; I told you over and over again that your beloved Buio already passed away."

"Did you really kill her? Are you planning to take me as a hostage and consume my powers as well? A parasite can only think like a parasite after all."

"Your power is very useful at finding the Ultimate Wand, since Buio had passed away, I have to re-learn the spells and magic she knows to compete with you. But, her original power has been lost and I'm unable to track the wand this way. I'll keep you alive as long you're still proven useful to me."

Knowing she will only become a burden to this fight, Fraische is forced to make a difficult decision. She's too weak, the majority of her power went into fighting Buio's rapid spells and attacks and it's not long until he learned how to counter her attacks as well, making it harder.

"If we release you, will you leave Mage Fraische without harm?" The Union member speaks up, trying to negotiate.

"Sure. I'll be taking her with me, but I can assure you she will not be harmed!" The parasite spoke up.

She clenches her fist, Fraische looks up to the parasite. "That's a lie; you will not get away for this!" She put her arms around her body, hugging her tightly as her entire body starts to shine. "I've been hiding this spell from Buio because she hated! But I know it will come in use one day, and today is the day!"


"Didn't you hear what I said? You won't get away with this." She looks up to Buio with a smile on her face, her eyes are shining so brightly as the strange flower symbol in her eye disappeared.



Despite Buio's best efforts, Fraische's body exploded into a strong power bomb; causing a large shockwave that could push away the objects that are remotely even near the range of shockwave. The reinforcement team did a good job neutralizing the wave by countering it, and when the smoke cleared up they can see a frozen and broken Buio- or the parasite inside her vessel- frozen inside a crystal, in a shocked position.

"Did we... Win?"

"I-I don't know."

They approached the crystal and carefully put a sealing coat over it to prevent anyone from breaking out from the inside. This crystal shall be transferred to a high security prison where she will be staying at the end of time.

In the end, Fraische couldn't see her daughter again and Zaturn is now on her own. On the strange planet called... Earth.



Zaturn was found by the search team, they informed her the sad news regarding her parents. The poor girl is now given a heavy task to carry this powerful wand and hide it from the Void creatures.

"We will allow you to protect this powerful wand under your care, but we expect you to keep our presence a minimum. The new generations of humans are not familiar with the concept of magic, and we don't want to cause a commotion on this planet." Said the Union member, warning her about living in this planet where there's almost no magic users anymore.

"It's fine... My mother sent me here, there must be a reason behind this." She holds the wand tightly, "Please take care of Buio, and we don't know how many void creatures are after this wand. It's possible the parasite inside already told many creatures in it's homeland about it."

They understand where Zaturn is coming from and take her feedback seriously. "Good luck, we will be rebuilding and place someone to fill in the position of Celestial Star Planet guardian for now. You may return to claim that position when you're ready."

"Thank you so much for your understanding..."

Now, alone and clueless, she's hugging the wand while looking at the ground.

'I must stay strong..'



The main plot will start next week!

Light & Dark : Lost WandOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant