Chapter 05: Purpose of the Hunt

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Fraische and Buio are clashing against each other, their spells are equally strong, but Fraische noticed that Buio's magic power is almost infinite, she can cast even the strong spells without consuming too much powers. Her powers came from the energy of the void creatures she brought with her, making the fight frustratingly hard.

The white haired woman smirked, looking up to Fraische. "Ahh... The Ultimate Wand is like a bank, a bank of magic power that not even one hundred powerful mage can stop if I decided to use it as a weapon... But that is too cheap, I need the wand not as a weapon but I need it's powers."

"As predictable." Fraische smiled, "You void creatures want to be freed and break the seal that contains your people inside the Void. With the Ultimate Wand, it's possible, especially with the power of a Dark Mage store inside the wand too... However, you will never have your hands on it."

"And what are you going to do? Destroy the wand? Absorb its powers for yourself?" Buio taunt on Fraische, "You know well you alone can't handle the immense amount of power. If you break it, the wand will explode and the explosive is going to cause so much damage, you could get killed in the blast."

The pink mage casually take another fighting stance. "Huh. Why should I tell you anything?"

"Then this conversation is over." Buio charges at Fraische again, but for how long she can hold her? She's obviously at a disadvantage here.


Zaturn on the other hand is trying her best to defend the castle's front shield alone. She uses her skills to fight the creatures that are eating the protective shield, trying to buy more time for her mother and the backup reinforcements to come. "Why are they taking so long?! Mother is clearly fighting with her life on the line out there!" She's starting to get worn out.

The creatures just won't stop coming out from Buio's body, almost like her body has become a portal for them to exit, but obviously with the level of creatures she's summoning, even her body has a limit and unable to summon larger, stronger creatures above the level of the parasite in her body.

While fighting the creatures, Zaturn is starting to notice something from the sky.


Multiple shockwaves.

Over the time, the shockwaves affected the surrounding so much that it started to make the ground shake, triggering small earthquakes around the planet.

Zaturn know her mother more than the Union, and despite not being able to see the details from afar, she can see that her mother has stopped restraining herself and start using the dangerous and strong spells to fight Buio.

'This.... She's fighting with her life...'

Fraische's eyes are glowing white, almost like moth eyes. Her hands are shining, coated with explosive and purifying magic that could harm the parasite inside Buio's body and the creatures around her.

Buio on the other hand has a dark eyes and the flower wand she's using has extended and used as a sharp weapon to avoid making physical contact with Fraische's purifying spell. The two are skilled in fighting and countering each other's magic.

Their speed has increased and accelerated, almost impossible to track. But like what Fraische noticed, Buio never run out of any power from each attack. She continue to fight and fight, attack and defend, but she noticed that the shield protecting the castle is wearing off, being torn down from left and right, left and right side.

Zaturn is obviously struggling, despite being strong when there's too many creatures coming after the wand, she can get overwhelmed too.

Their daughter had to make her escape and draw back, going to find the wand on top of a display water fountain, grabbing the wand before any of the creatures could. This is a chase, Zaturn is racing with time, running from the horde while fighting them at the same time to give her more time and buy her mother some time too. "THEY JUST NEVER STOP! AAAAAAH THIS IS SO FRUSTATING!"

She grabbed her own wand, which is a wand that is shaped like an arrow and aim it at a pillar, creating a portal and pinpointing the location given by her mother at the same time.

"I can't leave alone, can't I...? My mother is still out there."

The girl looks up to the open rooftop and sees her mother fighting with her life on the line. Fraische look down to Zaturn, who is fighting the horde alone and in the process of making a portal. She smiled a proud smile. "ZATURN! LEAVE WITHOUT ME!"

"But mother, I can't leave you here!"

"I can't come with you..." Fraische is holding back Buio from seeing Zaturn. "I WILL BE FINE, PLEASE JUST LEAVE, I'LL CATCH UP WITH YOU!"

She clenches herfist, "Fine... BUT YOU BETTER SURVIVE!" The portal is finally done and she takesher arrow off the pillar as the portal started to close rapidly. Zaturn hoppedinside and send a rain of power blast at the horde that is chasing her, untilthe portal is fully closed.


Hello Girls! So far this is still the beginning and the origins of the story. Usually I would write my story from the where the plot stars and then flashbacks, but I want to do something different.

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