Chapter 01 : Happy Beginning

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The planet where everything took place is called the Celestial Star Planet. Wait, if the object we are talking about is a planet, why is it named star? Well, my friend, that's because this beautiful planet has plenty of resources of magic in the form of hardened crystals, growing and sticking to the surface of the planet, from trees, ground, and rocks. The crystals which contain the magic shine in both dark and light environments, making the planet bright and aesthetically pleasing to look at. It's a bright planet with almost infinite resources of magic, and of course, where there is magic...

There are magic users, or as we like to call them, Mages.

Mages, in this universe, are like what you think they are. Magical users who possess magical powers and knowledge of many spells that can help them coexist with the world and bring greater good for everyone around them. To become a mage, you must prove you're able to control your powers without any items or fuel to help you create magic.

Among the Mages in this world are two strong Magic Users known to history, and they live on the Celestial Star Planet.

Fraische, a mage who specializes in light-related spells and purifying magic, is very sweet and caring towards the people whom she wants to protect. With her is her girlfriend, Buio the Dark Arts Mage, who learns and writes spell books containing dark-themed spells and dark magic. From time to time, she would experiment with multiple different spells to see if she can achieve something.

Fraische and Buio's presence and magic balance each other. There cannot be light without darkness, and there cannot be darkness without light. They also love each other, so despite there being only two people on this planet, they never feel lonely or bored with each other.

The two also invented something that would change the world of mage learning as a whole. They created a magic wand made out of special materials they can gather from several planets, and created their own magical wands that they use until today. They continue to expand their research on the concept of magical wands, and eventually, they are able to help young mage users create their own magical wands using a simple spell.

But for every good thing that happens, there's also a bad thing.

Buio's research is more focused on making wands stronger by storing large amounts of magical power every day before sleeping, like a bomb ready to be used when needed.

Using Buio's research, they combined their powers and created the Ultimate Magical Wand. A wand with both Fraische and Buio's powers stored inside. Every day and every night before they go to sleep, the wand grows stronger. It's like a dangerous ticking bomb if it falls into the wrong hands. The Ultimate Magical Wand is an Ultimate Weapon, something that doesn't require you to be a strong mage to use. You don't have to possess extensive knowledge of magic and spells. If you can channel your energy into the wand and focus on your aim, it can be a dangerous weapon of mass destruction. Alternatively, if it falls into the right hands, the wand can be used for greater good and to shield the weak.

That was the intention behind the wand.

However, they soon grew lonely without a child, so they decided to create a child by combining their magical powers. The process took a while, of course. They needed to set up a special laboratory and make sure to transfer the right amount of power every day so the child wouldn't overload with magic. The process took forever to finish, but in the end, they had a child named...

Zaturn, taken from the beautiful name of Planet Saturnus. Zaturn is a cheerful child with pink hair like Fraische, but with straight hair like Buio. The two loving mothers are forever grateful for the presence of their daughter.

The child grew up in a loving family with two affectionate parents who fed her with love, knowledge, and training to become a great mage. Using their invention, the magical wand, Zaturn was able to progress faster than the previous generations of mages in training. Soon, once she could let go of the wand and independently use magic, she could finally earn the title of 'Mage'.

But until that time arrives, she will be known as a Magical Girl.

One day, Zaturn and Buio were walking past the Ultimate Magical Wand together. Zaturn finally had the courage to ask her mother a question she had been meaning to ask. "Mother... That wand, it looks so big. You never take it out of the case."

Buio turned her head around and looked at the large wand. Its length was as tall as her body, which is two and a half meters tall. "Oh, it's a dangerous wand, actually. We only use it when needed, or when a big scary enemy comes and tries to kill us!" She lowered her body and put on a comically villainous look on her face.

The child cracked into a playful laugh when her mother made that joke, "Mom, come on! I want to fight the bad guys with that wand."

"You're not even tall enough to hold it straight. If you accidentally hit someone or someone's planet with that, you'll be grounded... Hmm... Forever." Buio took Zaturn's hand and continued walking together. They were about to train together in the training room.

"Then, when I'm older, I will use that wand!"

The white-haired mother shivered, thinking about the possible situations where they'd be required to use the wand. "I don't want to use that wand, actually. I don't want to be in a situation where we have to use that wand."

The child was obviously disappointed, but she still wanted to hold the large wand. "Uhh... Can I still hold it when I'm older? Just for a portrait, I promise."

"If your hands are strong enough, then sure." She teased her daughter again.

However, the calamity would soon come to an end.


Hello, I want to make some changes with my writing and everything, I will now try to make each chapter shorter and bite-sized so more people can read without getting sore and bored through the chapters. I hope this change will make more people come and read my story! Or don't. Honestly I just want to publish my story online for people to read.

PS: Fraische and Buio are in the cover picture!! AAAA!

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