"If it wasn't for this mutt you would've never gotten the message across." He rolled his eyes and nearly got into my face. Bella had been the driving force between us to dissuade the possible outburst.

"I hadn't read it..."

"I think it's probably best if you read it with me, with this mu— err guy around." I motioned to the friend. If Alice can't see whenever the dog was around, it's best I keep him by my side. Despite the indifferent attitude I attempted to have towards it, my fingers trembled as it reached towards the edge of the paper. I had no idea what to expect, and the words scribbled in his cursive handwriting were a lot to swallow.


It was nothing but myself and my thoughts again. Bella left not long after I read the note and burned it front of her. She mentioned the less she knew the better and since Jacob was around we had the privacy. Even though Edward couldn't peak into her mind, it made me feel better that she didn't pry into the note.

My fingers intertwined as I rested my chin above the knuckles. The world around me felt like it spun faster than the speed of light. From coming home to everything that had just transpired left me in a pit of frustration. I felt helpless over several aspects in my life that required control.

Jasper's soft, warm eyes flashed into my mind. The devilishly handsome side smirk he threw me along with the fingers that grazed my cheek and tucked loose hair behind my ear...

My own fingers lingered the same skin he touched... the phantom feeling licked my senses.

Demetri's fingers pressed around my neck brought me back to reality. Deep down, I don't think I could face Jasper knowing I had grown comfortable with someone else. My lip caught in between my teeth as I pondered. Did I even want him to accept me? Truth be told, it was the last thing I should be worried about. A knock on my door disrupted my thoughts. Between everything from the plane ride until now I'd completely forgotten about my next visitors.

"Long time no see Sage!" Rosalie squealed in excitement the moment I opened my door. Part of me was grateful I made the sound decision of opening the windows and doing everything I could to rid the stench that stayed even long after the pup left. I even  bathed so hopefully the evidence of the two disappeared. I can't say much for the hallways but hopefully...

A huge smile was plastered on her face as she went to greet me. I dropped my frown immediately and wrapped my arms around her waist as she went around my shoulders. It was so nice to see an old friend! I forgot what it was like to have a sister. We jumped around until both of us we lifted off the ground by Emmett.

"Bradshaw!" He exclaimed as he hugged the both of us in a tight embrace. Love. Acceptance. These were coursing through them as they held me. It made me wonder if they knew everything or if they really did feel this way towards me regardless of the fact. I shook the negativity out of my head the moment my feet landed to the floor. Just because one of them betrayed me doesn't mean they all will. "So I've heard you've been busy." Emmett teased and nudged my shoulders with a suggestive look on his face. Rosalie threw him an incredulous look and shoved him away. I had Carlisle drop me off at a hotel room not too far from Forks; the Miller Tree Inn. It was affordable for me to rent out the entire inn to myself indefinitely. The owner didn't seem to care and I didn't want to be tempted with anyone coming into the Inn. I found it'd be easier for me to keep away from Jasper this way. I wouldn't have to be within a five mile radius from the Cullen residence yet still have the ability to check in when I need to.

"I'm still not happy about this." Rosalie ran her hand along the plush duvet covers of the king sized bed.

"It looks pretty good." Emmett commented with a quirked eyebrow as he lifted one of the wine glasses settled on the corner jacuzzi tub that overlooked the beautiful forest out the window.

"No, I meant the fact she has to do this just to keep away from Alice and Jasper." Rosalie threw a pillow at her idiotic husband.

"Ah leave it be. She'll still visit." Emmett rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. We had caught up over everything that happened within the last month or so. I was open about the romantic relationship I had with Demetri and Rosalie and Emmett did a good job at avoiding anything Alice and Jasper related in the conversation. I found out that Edward had proposed to Bella, which was odd, I didn't see a ring. Apparently, the wolf boy was vying for her love and attention even more so. Other than that, things were pretty normal. I opted out of returning to school and instead would spend my free time scouting the area for both Victoria and now Louis. If everything I've heard so far was true, it'd be best for me to stay in one place. As I reconnected with my old friends; Jasper's words lingered in the back of my mind.

Tread lightly, you're being watched.

Ferguson is still alive.

[Author's Note: Thank you so much for your birthday wishes guys! I honestly underestimated my birthday week and got so drunk lmfao. Then I barely had time to recover before I had two double shifts at work xD I went MIA for awhile I'm sorry I was going through some things and work really has been taxing. I had to host my family for a week as well and I've been feeling really down...

I wrote that like months ago. I'm so sorry for the shitty update and even shittier wait on this. They had me on OT for awhile now and I was mentally spent on what I could do. My emotions have been all over the place and I received the promotion!!! It's been a wild ride and with more responsibility I've been trying to find a balance between my personal time, work, friends, and household chores.

This turned into a book I did not want to rush through. The complexity definitely surprised me but as I delved deeper into the story I couldn't just wrap it up. It's bull shit and I'd rather this thing be chapters long than to sum it up in a lazy way.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for continuing to read this and go on this journey for just this story. I don't think you understand how much it means to me. You guys really are the best! I finished this on mobile so I can't give my usual shouts; I will in the next chapter. I have a set TWO days off now and I'm ecstatic. My schedule is now planned throughout the month so I can work around it. Which means... more time for my creativity to flourish!! I love you guys.

Thank you everyone❤️❤️❤️❤️]

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