Wait and See

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Esme and I walked in the front door around one pm, since I had to stop back at the BAU because I forgot my files. We had decided to give her the afternoon off from school, since she had been doing so good in therapy and we figured she deserved a nice break. Esme was absolutely ecstatic about this and talked about everything she wanted to do the whole way home, starting with watching Tangled for the sixth time in the past month.

"Y/N, do you wanna watch Tangled with me?"

"How about you give me a few minutes to put my purse away, and I'll join you?"


Everyone was happy about how much Esme had improved in the past five months. She had gotten more comfortable around Spencer and Derek, even if JJ and I still had to be with her incase she got nervous since she was iffy with male figures of authority.  We were also able to identify a couple triggers throughout the therapy, and started to work through ways to deal with them. She didn't like to be left alone a lot, so we had made sure that someone was in the house at all times, at least within eyesight. School had been going well for her too, and she had been doing a lot better than she was doing in Michigan. It was probably because we had taken the time to talk to all her teachers, but that's beside the point.

Tara was also impressed with her improvements, and had started to slowly move away from the triggers we knew about to try and find triggers we didn't know about. So far, we knew she didn't like being alone with male figures of authority in school settings, and she also seemed to have test anxiety- which was easily combated. We worked closely with her school to get her an IEP to help with her schooling, and outside of school worked with Tara to help figure out how to keep her anxiety down to a minimum. She had been doing so much better, and was turning back into the girl she was when we first rescued her. It made me so happy to see her turning into the girl I knew she was deep down.


"What's up, sweets?" I looked over to Esme.

"Can you make lunch? I'm kinda hungry."

"Of course. Give me about half an hour and it'll be ready, okay?"


I made my way into the kitchen, noticing a package sitting on the counter with my name on it in JJ's elegant script.

Wear this tonight. Penelope's going to watch the children. I'll be picking you up at 7pm sharp.

I opened the box to find a beautiful light blue bodycon dress, and I couldn't help but chuckle. She loved seeing me in light blue, considering it was her favorite color. No wonder she chose this for me. Underneath the dress was a matching creme lingerie set, which was absolutely beautiful and my exact size. I closed the box before Esme could see what was inside, bringing it upstairs and setting it on our bed before running back downstairs.

"Esme, a little birdy told me Auntie Penelope is coming to watch some movies with you tonight."

"Really?" her face lit up. "Is she gonna bringed over Sergio?"

"I can definitely ask her to bring over Sergio." I chuckled. "Are you going to be okay with just Auntie Penelope and Henry tonight?"

Esme nodded enthusiastically. "Ya-huh. I get to see Sergio!"

She went back to happily watching her movie, her little feet swinging excitedly. I let out a small chuckle, trying to figure out what in the world was going on right now. I texted Penelope to bring over Sergio before I set my phone down, deciding to make some teriyaki chicken rice for lunch. Esme had developed a liking to it, and had started requesting it at least once a week. It didn't take that long to cook either, which was a bonus. And it also helped that I had originally planned on making it for dinner, so the chicken was already marinated. I threw everything in the skillet and watched Esme, making sure she didn't do anything while I had hot food on the stove.

Lunch was ready about half an hour later, and I called Esme to the table, setting it down in front of her. We chatted a bit throughout lunch, Esme going on about how she made some friends at school and started to learn how to count to thirty. She practically scarfed down her lunch, going back to the living room to watch another movie while I cleaned up in the kitchen. Penelope came over a bit earlier than I had anticipated, practically pushing me upstairs so I could get ready. I ended up curling my hair lightly, running my fingers through it so they looked more like waves. I did some light makeup as well, making sure I looked decent before I noticed the time- it was 6:40, and JJ would be back soon. I got dressed quickly, smoothing everything out before realizing I couldn't reach the zipper since it was in that weird spot in between my shoulder blades.

"Pen?" I rushed down the stairs, heels in my hand. "I can't zip my dress, can you-"

I met eyes with JJ, who was standing by the front door. She was wearing one of her tight fitted dresses- my favorite one, to be exact. It was clear she had gotten ready at either Garcia or Emily's house, using the cover up of having to stay at the office to finish paperwork. My jaw dropped as I stared at her, barely being able to contain my obvious lust as I stood there.


"I'm early, I know. I couldn't wait." She chuckled. "I'll grab your zipper, come here."

I walked over to her, smiling as she reached behind me to zip me the rest of the way. I stole a kiss from her, cupping her cheeks in my hands as hers fell to my waist. Esme and Penelope made fake gagging noises, causing us to break off our kiss and start laughing. She pulled away from me, giving me a second to pull my heels on and grab my purse. Penelope made us stand outside the door and take cute pictures, laughing once again as she and Esme made funny faces at us. After about ten minutes of picture taking, we were finally able to get into the car, JJ grabbing my hand as she pulled the car out of the driveway. We drove in silence for a little bit, the playlist that I made full of songs that reminded me of JJ playing softly in the background.

"I love you so much, have I told you that lately?" I smiled, bringing her hand up to my lips and placing a kiss on the top of it.

"I love you more, darling." she stopped at a red light, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at her. "Tonight is all about you. You deserve a night off doing everything we want to do."

The light turned green and her demeanor switched, leaving me sitting in the passenger seat, squeezing my legs together.

"Where are we going?"

She smirked. "You'll just have to wait and see."

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