Important Talks

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I ran out into the main room, JJ following me closely. Esme was in the middle of a nightmare, and was tossing and turning as she tried to fight an invisible tormentor off. I went to the side of the bed, kneeling so I was at her level.

"Esme, you're okay, sweet. You're in the hotel with me and JJ. You are safe."

I continued to whisper sweet things to her until she woke up, curling into a ball as she came to. I waited until she was calmed down before holding my hand out, letting her take it on her own time. She crawled into my arms, crawling onto my lap and curling up in a ball as I slowly fell to the floor. I ran a comforting hand up and down her back as she started to relax, JJ coming to sit next to us. She sniffled a couple of times before looking up to me.

"I'm sorry, Y/N."

"Don't be sorry, sweet." I placed a kiss to the top of her head. "It was just a bad dream. You never have to be sorry for having bad dreams."

"It was scary." her voice turned quiet. "The mean lady came and found me here."

"I can promise you, my friends are working on catching her. She won't find you."

Hotch had updated us a few minutes ago that they were still working on finding Sylvia. They narrowed down her location but it was getting more and more difficult to find her. They suspected that she had changed her appearance and started using an alias, but they were determined to find her. From what I heard from Emily, they had worked through the night to narrow the area of where she was, and were close to finding not only her but the whole sex ring as a whole. I hated not being there to help, but Hotch had made it clear that JJ was to take the next two weeks off with me, since they were able to call in an agent by the name of Kate to take JJ's place while she was on leave. This way, we could get Esme accustomed to living with us, and slowly go back to work. JJ would go first, with me following a week or so later.

"Do you want to go get food?"

"Mmhmm." she nodded.

"And maybe we can go shopping and get you some new clothes too."

"Really?" she looked at JJ and I. "All for me?"

"All for you." JJ smiled. "Does that sound like a plan?"


"Where do you want to go get food?"

"Um... I dunno."

"We passed a Culver's on the way in, maybe we could go there?" JJ suggested, looking at me.

"I think that sounds good."

"What kinda food do they have?"

"Well, I think they have burgers, chicken tenders, french fries and ice cream."

"They have ice cream?" Esme's eyes lit up slightly.

"I believe they do."

"Can we go there?"

"Yes, yes we can. Let's go find your shoes."


I chuckled to myself as Esme got off my lap and went with JJ, clearly excited about the ice cream. Maybe what Hotch said was right.

Maybe I would make a good mother.


We had gone just a teeny bit overboard at Target, buying Esme more than a couple of outfits and ending up having to buy a suitcase for her to fit all her stuff in. She also got to pick out a toy, and she picked out a Bumble Bee Squishmallow that was apparently named Sunny according to the tags. We had a day or two left in Michigan before we were to fly back to DC, since we were waiting on the official okay from Sid. They said our paperwork should be processed by tomorrow, so we would be able to fly back on Tuesday or Wednesday. I really hoped that was the case, because I wanted to get Esme home.

Esme was napping again, and I was curled into JJ's side as we sat on the bed, lazily drawing patterns on her arm.

"Y/N," JJ looked down to me. "Have I ever told you how great you are with children?"

"A few times." I lightly chuckled. "Where'd this come from?"

"I was thinking, and I know we said we were going to foster her but, if you want to adopt her I wouldn't say no."

I sat up, facing her. "Jayje-"

"No, let me finish. You're great with Henry, and I see the way you look at her. That's the look of a mother. And I know you said you didn't know if you wanted kids when we first met, but I see you with Esme and it makes me think that despite what you know about yourself, you have that in you." she paused, cupping my cheek with her hand. "Being a mother is absolutely terrifying, I'll be the first to admit it. I was so goddamn scared when I had Henry. But it's also one of the most rewarding things in my life. Because not only is Henry surrounded by people he loves, he has you now too."

I smiled. "You're too good to me, Jennifer."

"I don't know what Henry and I did to deserve you, but I'm glad we did whatever we did because you're here now and that's all that matters." She kissed me softly. "I'm so in love with you, Y/N. So in love with you."

"And I'm in love with you too." I paused. "Do you think that, though? That I'll be a good mom?"

"Of course so, hon." JJ squeezed my hands. "I have no doubt in my mind."

"I'm scared." I admitted, my voice turning quiet. "I don't know how to be a mom. My relationship with my mom was somewhat strained after my dad left when I was five. We fixed it as I got older, but it was hard. I... I don't want to be that kind of mother, Jayje. I'm scared I'm going to turn into her."

"I'll be here every step of the way. I promise." JJ tilted my chin so I was looking at her. "You are nothing like your mother. You are strong, independent, smart and witty. You have everything in you to be a better mother than yours was."

"You think so?"

"I know so." I smiled as she placed another kiss on my lips. "You are the best person I could ever think of to be the mother to not only Henry, but to Esme as well."

I started to tear up as her words sunk in. "You want me to be Henry's mom?"

"Yes, of course I do!" JJ chuckled, smiling at me. "You're the best person to be Henry's other mother. You're the only person I would want by my side when parenting Henry."

I wiped at the tears on my face. "You don't mean that, do you?"

"I 100% mean that. You have been a staple in his life for the past six years, Y/N. I'd be honored if you'd be his mother."

"Is this your sly way of asking me to marry you, Jennifer Jareau?" I chuckled. "We've been dating for four months."

"I'm aware, but I have been in love with you for six years." she linked her hand with mine as I leaned back into her side. "I think that's long enough."

"Well yes, but maybe we should wait a teeny bit longer. Maybe another five months or so." I smiled. "But to answer your question that's not a question, I'd love to."


"Yeah." I placed a kiss on her cheek. "But when the time comes, I expect an elegant proposal. I want the whole nine yards, you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, love. Loud and clear."

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