Getting Wings

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tw; smut, thigh riding

We had gotten the word from Sid last night that we could officially take Esme home. They were able to transfer our case to the DC office, and assign us to a nice worker by the name of Oakley, who was friends with Sid. We packed all of Esme's stuff as well as our own, and got the next flight out to DC, which was this afternoon. We told her about all the cool things in DC as we packed, telling her about the airplane and how fun it was going to be. She seemed very excited, but also nervous at the same time- which was to be expected. We returned the car and took an Uber to the airport, walking Esme through everything that was going to happen. We had about two hours until our flight, so we walked around a bit, letting Esme explore the airport. We stopped at Starbucks and let her choose out a cake pop and got her a small hot chocolate, which she absolutely loved. The three of us got to the gate about ten minutes before boarding, and I held Esme in my arms as JJ went up to the flight attendants and whispered something to them. They nodded and she came back to us, smiling and joining us as we got in line.

We made it onto the plane and got Esme all set, giving her the earplugs that I had bought and occupying her with a game that I had downloaded onto my iPad for her. The flight went smoothly, Esme taking it like a champ. She loved seeing everything from the window, and sat on my lap for as much of the flight as she could so she could look at the clouds outside. Everyone around us was super sweet, and were absolutely enamoured with her. Takeoff and landing was a little rough, but that was to be expected since it was her first flight. We pulled into the gate and told Esme that we had to wait to be let off, since we were close to the back of the plane. JJ let everyone else go before us, and we made our way towards the front of the plane, Esme back in my arms once again. 

The pilot stopped us on the way out, smiling over at Esme. "Are you Esme?"

She nodded. "Ya-huh."

"I heard today is a special day."

"Ya-huh. I'm going home with my new mommies." I didn't correct her, simply smiling at JJ instead.

"That's so exciting!" he smiled. "Can I tell you a secret, Esme?"

Her eyes widened. "A secret?"

"Because it's your special day, I picked something up for you before we left Michigan." he took out a pair of wings from his pocket. "Everyone who flies on their first airplane gets these."

"That's for me?"

"It is. Yours is extra special because you're going to a new home."

"Thank you Mr. Pilot!" she carefully took the wings from his hands, smiling. "These are really cool."

"Only the best pair of wings for a special girl. Enjoy your day, ladies"

We walked out into the tunnel that would lead us back to the airport, and I stole a look from JJ who had a smug smile on her face. Of course she did that. We got our baggage and made our way to the pick up zone, since we didn't have a car. Garcia had graciously agreed to pick us up, taking a late lunch to do so. She pulled up in her Cadillac, waving to us from the front seat. She pulled up next to the curb, jumping out and grabbing all of our suitcases, JJ making sure that the car seat she had Garcia pick up from her house was sitting in the seat correctly before putting Esme in. JJ sat in the passenger seat while I sat in the back next to Esme. Thankfully, Garcia figured pulling the hood up would be a good idea, since Esme had never been in a convertible before. JJ filled Garcia in on everything while we drove back to JJ and I's house, me distracting Esme with the iPad again as she showed me the game. By the time we got back to the house she was starting to doze off, and I had to carry her back into the house. I set her down so I could help get the suitcases inside, 

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