Name Calling

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I woke up in bed the next morning, JJ and I together under our blanket. Our clothes were thrown all around the room, and the only thing I could think about was how good JJ made me feel last night. I slowly opened my eyes, now realizing there was another small body in bed with us.  My eyes widened as I realized what was happening, considering both JJ and I were still very much naked underneath the sheets. I looked to my right to see Esme curled up in between JJ and I, sleeping peacefully. JJ must have thrown some clothes on sometime in the middle of the night considering I could tell she was in my old university hoodie.

I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake my two angels as I tip-toed over to the closet, grabbing the first shirt and pants I saw, rushing to grab undergarments before I went into the bathroom. I took a look at myself in the mirror and realized how disgusting I looked running on three days of not showering. Granted, it was for a wonderful reason, but I definitely should not have gone that long without showering. Slipping under the jet stream, I closed my eyes and let the water run down me, washing the grime of the last case away. I decided to spice things up and use JJ's shampoo, the familiar smell of Bumble and Burf Surf filling the air around me. A few minutes later I climbed out, drying myself off and pulling on the leggings and shirt I grabbed. I brushed my teeth and did the rest of my morning routine before going back out, smiling as I saw JJ laying in the bed while scrolling through her phone.

"Good morning, Dove." I walked over and placed a kiss on her lips.

"How long have you been awake?"

"Just long enough to have a panic when I saw Esme was in bed and I was very naked."

She chuckled. "She climbed in around two am, you were out and I didn't want to wake you."

"Was everything okay?"

"Just a bad dream." JJ pulled me down to place another kiss on my lips. "I have to pee, can you sit with her?"

"Of course. Go pee, love."

JJ carefully slipped out of bed, and I took her spot, lying down next to Esme as JJ went to the bathroom. A few minutes later and Esme started to stir, rubbing her face into the pillow before she realized where she was. JJ walked out of the bathroom and came back to the bed, sitting on the other side of Esme.

"Hi Y/N. Hi Ms. JJ. Sorry I sleeped in your bed. Julia didn't like it when I sleeped in her bed at the house." Esme looked down to her hands. "I don't think she liked me. She called me weird names. Like spoiled little fucker. But I'm not spoiled. I'm four."

I choked on my spit. "Esme, that's really mean." 

"Esme," JJ started, sharing a look with me. "Did they call you other mean names?"

"Ya-huh." she nodded. "They called me lotsa mean names."

"Do you remember any of them?"

"Ya-huh. They called me a broken condom one time... what's a condom?"

"It's a... uh..." I looked at JJ. "Something adults use."

"But what does it do?" Esme asked, curious.

JJ gave me a stare this time. "Um..."

"You know what? That's a question for your Uncle Derek. He knows about that more than JJ and I do."

"Otay."  Esme paused. "Can I have breakfast? I'm hungry."

"Yeah!" We gladly changed the subject, getting out of bed. "What do you want?"

"Um.... ice cream!"

She ran to the kitchen, JJ not far behind her as I sat on the bed, collecting my thoughts. Did she just ask what a condom was?

This was going to be very interesting.

The next couple of days were rough, but we had somehow gotten through them. Every time Esme laid down to nap or sleep, she had a nightmare. No matter what we did, she always seemed to wake up crying or screaming. Thankfully, Will had offered to keep Henry for a couple of more days so we could figure out what was going on with Esme, and we decided to invite Tara Lewis over for dinner. She was the "In House Psychiatrist" that Hotch recommended, saying that he trusted her to help us get to the bottom of it.

We scheduled an appointment with Tara, explaining the whole thing and she happily obliged, setting up a dinner date with us on Friday so she could come talk to Esme. In the meanwhile, Garcia and Morgan- well, Garcia had decided that she and Morgan would be coming over to dinner tonight, leaving me standing in the kitchen half an hour before they were supposed to get here, trying to figure out what to make. I threw a salad together for Garcia, knowing that she was vegetarian and didn't eat meat, really wishing that I had remembered to buy tofu for her. We usually kept some in the house for when she came over but since we had been so busy with Esme, it had completely slipped my mind. I knew we had some vegan cheese in the fridge since I was lactose intolerant as hell and couldn't eat regular cheese anymore, and threw that in as well while JJ distracted Esme out in the living room. The two were playing Just Dance on our Switch that we had just got, and apparently Esme was winning. I took another look in our pantry and finally decided on some rice, knowing that you could never go wrong with some rice pilaf.

"Y/N! Y/N did you see?"

"See what?" I looked across the room to Esme, who was standing proudly on the couch.

"I won the dance battle!"

I stirred the orzo slightly as it was browning, trying to hide my laugh at an out of breath JJ. "Whoa, you did?"

"Ya-huh. I'm the bestest dancer. That's what JJ said."

"She kicked my butt. I think it's safe to say she won."

"I won all the battles." Esme padded into the kitchen. "Can I have a glass of water?"

"Of course you can, you don't have to ask."

JJ walked up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "What's on the menu for tonight, chef?"

"Sadly," I leaned back to whisper in her ear. "Not me. But, I went with some rice pilaf. Family recipe."

"Jennifer, can we play some more?" Esme looked up to JJ.

"How about we play a different game? That way we don't get too tired before dinner."

"Mmm okay." Esme shrugged, making her way back to the TV.

"Dove, I think you're forgetting something."


I placed a kiss on her lips, making sure Esme wasn't paying attention before I grabbed her boob, smirking into the kiss as I felt her go stiff. I chuckled as I broke it off, leaning so I could whisper:

"You might be the dom in the relationship, but I'm the brat. And this brat misses the fuck out of your body."

"You're such a tease." JJ glared at me, and I chuckled. "I'll be getting you back for that."

"Oh I hope you do, Dove. I hope you do."

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