Waffle Sauce

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JJ's first day back at work was today, meaning I was at home with both Henry and Esme. This was going to be Esme's first time meeting him. I wish JJ could be here with us, but Hotch needed her back in the office, according to the higher ups. Our interaction from the other night was still at the forefront of my mind, confusing the hell out of me. What was her game? Not that she would be playing one, but everything had been weird since she had gotten back from her state department assignment almost two years ago now. She didn't really like to talk about it, which I respected and we never bought it up. But something was telling me that whatever it was she did at the state department had something to do with the way she was acting.

Will dropped Henry off about ten minutes after JJ had left, and I was able to catch him before he left.

"Will, can I bother you for like five seconds?"

"Of course." I stepped out onto the porch with him. "Is everything okay?"

"Has Jayje been... acting weird at all? Like, just... not like herself?"

"Not that I've noticed, but then again I haven't seen her since before you two left for Michigan."

"She didn't like, said anything weird to you at all?" he shook his head. "Interesting."

"Are you two okay?"

"I... yeah, I think so. She just... I dunno, she's being a bit weird. Randomly started complimenting me the other night. And like, it's not that I don't appreciate it or anything- I love it. It's just..."

"It seems outta place." he nodded in understanding. "If you want me to talk to her, cherie, I can."

"No no, it's okay. I just wanted to see if she was being weird around you. I'll let you know if anything happens."

Will and I said our goodbyes, and I went back inside to find Henry sitting at the breakfast nook. I filled him in about Esme, explaining how she might be a little bit shy at first. He understood, telling me how there was a girl at his school who was just like that. We made our way into the kitchen and decided to make some waffles, since Henry had requested we make a nice breakfast for her. While I was preparing the batter, he ran upstairs to change into a semi nice shirt and jeans. He even brushed his hair, which made me chuckle- he insisted that he needed to look nice so he could make a good impression. I couldn't help but smile at that. We had told Esme all about Henry, and I knew he didn't have to make this big of an impression, but it was sweet to see him trying.

Henry helped me out by setting the table, and made sure that I took a picture of him by the waffles to send to JJ. I hadn't heard from her since she left, which was weird considering she usually would have at least checked in on me by now. Her location showed her at Quantico, so I knew she was safe. At least, I hoped she was safe. Esme toddled down the stairs about five minutes later, coming straight to me and tapping my hip until I picked her up.

"Good morning, sweet. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept good." she rubbed her eyes. "Can I have breakfast?"

"Can I ask you a question first?" She nodded. "Do you remember how JJ and I told you about Henry?"


"Well, he came home today. Would you like to meet him?"

She nodded again and I walked her out to the table, where Henry was sitting at the table patiently. It took her a second before I was able to set her down, watching her sit in a chair at the table with him.

"Hi." Henry smiled. "I'm Henry."


"Do you like waffles?" she nodded. "Cool. Y/N and I made some."

"Can I have one?"

Henry nodded. "Do you like syrup on your waffles?"

"What's syrup?"

"It's um... like a sauce. For your waffles."

Esme tilted her head. "Waffle sauce?"

"Sure." Henry shrugged. "Do you want some waffle sauce?"


I couldn't help but smile at the two of them as Henry put a waffle on Esme's plate, helping her pour the 'waffle sauce' as she called it on top. They talked for the whole time they ate, and eventually made their way to the switch. I cleaned up in the kitchen, checking my phone again for a text from JJ but having nothing. I eventually gave in, texting Emily.

[10:01am] em is jayje ok? she hasn't texted me all morning.

I went back out and sat in the living room with the kids soon as the dishes were in the dishwasher, watching Henry teach Esme how to play Mario Kart. It was sweet, and it was nice to know that she was getting along with him even if she was still a bit shy. My phone buzzed, and I looked down at it.

[ emily prentiss - 10:15am ] yeah, she is. we've just been stuck doing paperwork. i'll let her know you texted her. 


"Yes Esme?"

"Where's JJ?"

"JJ had to go to work, sweet." I smiled at her. "But she'll be back tonight."

"I miss her."

"I miss her too. But, we have so much we can do here so we can fill up all the time before she comes home."


I looked back down to my phone, hoping I'd see JJ's name. I didn't. I was starting to get nervous- she wouldn't go this long without at least sending me an update text, right?  What was she hiding from me?

I was pacing back and forth in the living room, just waiting for her to walk through the door to tell me that she got caught up in the office. I had probably rearranged the pillows on the couch about ten times, deep cleaned the kitchen and the living room, and cleaned up all the toys that the kids had left out. I did all the dishes and put them away, all in an effort to stop my anxiety about this from acting up. It wasn't working. JJ had never done this- she would always let me know if she needed to stay late, or if she was getting caught up somewhere. This was completely out of character for her. Around nine I gave in, going upstairs to change and get ready for bed.

That's when I saw her personal cell sitting on the nightstand.

That wasn't like her- she always had that with her. I tapped the screen, seeing my texts from earlier pop up. No wonder she didn't answer me, she didn't have her phone. I grabbed my own phone and called Hotch, who I knew would answer me.

"Hotch, something's wrong. I'm coming in."

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