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Lilliana's POV

It's been approximately two weeks since I've started sharing a dorm with Malfoy. And I have to admit, I genuinely enjoy having him around.

We, technically I, decided that we should start a bit slow, so it doesn't feel like we've been forced to get together. Mal- Draco is pretty fun to hangout with, once you get past his snobby demeanour.


I quickly looked up from my empty plate to Hermione, pulled out of my train of thoughts. "Yes?"

"You've zoned out for the past ten minutes, everything okay?"

"Sorry, Mione. I was just thinking." I gave her a sheepish smile, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "What were you saying?"

Hermione rolled her eyes at me, a little smile on her face. "I was asking if you'd like to study with me in the library this afternoon." She paused for a second, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Unless you've already got plans with... You-know-who?"

Before I could even open my mouth to reply, Ginny slid in the empty seat beside me.

"Since when does Lily have plans with the dead Dark Lord?" Ginny asked, an eyebrow raised in question.

I physically cringed at the thought of it, pushing away the cursed images of having tea and chatting happily with Voldemort. Ginny laughed at my horrified reaction, somehow finding this funny.

"Sorry Mione, but I planned on going for a little fly later, " I replied apologetically. It was the truth, I haven't ridden my broom in so long, a little time in the air sounded amazing.

Hermione nodded at me, a smile on her face as she went back to reading her book. My gaze lazily drifted off to the Slytherin table, momentarily locking eyes with a pair of glowing grey ones. It's still a surprise that only I can see them glow.

He nodded his head at me, motioning to the door. I rolled my eyes at him, but got up anyway.

"I left my bag in my dorm," I said as I stood up and grabbed an apple. Ginny frowned, as if about to say something but Hermione quickly understood and distracted her.

I flashed her a grateful smile before walking out of the Great Hall. I really did want to tell Ginny, she was my best friend. But I was worried she wouldn't take it well. Actually, I haven't even told anyone but Hermione.

A sigh escaped my lips as I wondered into an empty hallway. I should probably tell Harry and the rest soon, it's better to get it over with earlier than have them find out themselves. I took a bite out of the red apple I took, my head still up in the clouds trying to reck my brain for ways to tell them.

I was pulled out of my train of thoughts as I bumped into something, stumbling backwards and nearly dropping the apple in my hand - if it weren't for the person in front of me catching it.

"Fucking hell," I looked up to see what, or rather who, I had bumped into and met the smirking expression of a smug Draco Malfoy.

I rolled my eyes at him, what's up with me and constantly bumping into people?!

Draco smiled, taking a bite out of the apple from the exact spot I had previously bitten. I blushed furiously as he flicked his tongue over the apple before taking a big bite, seemingly doing everything in slow motion.

"I prefer green apples," he hummed, throwing the apple at me.

I caught it with ease, grumbling quietly about annoyingly hot blonds stealing food. He laughed at my expression, a sound that made shivers go down my spine. It was such a rewarding sound, I couldn't help myself from smiling.

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