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What had happened?

Everything was fuzzy, his memories hazy and scattered. The room was dark, but he wasn't in the same room he had fallen asleep in. He was on a bed, leaning against someone.

Percy moved his head, look up to see Luke smiling at him. Percy blinked sleepily. "What—what happened?"

"You had a nightmare, I came in to check on you. You were angry at camp, you said you wanted to join Kronos," Luke answered.

"I—I did?" Percy asked. "How come I don't remember it?"

"You were tired. You were tired and angry and that mix wears you out," Luke said. Percy looked at him, still not convinced when Luke sighed. "Look, Percy, would I lie to you?"

Yes. Oh gods, would he lie. That's all Luke was, a liar. He lied about being Percys friend when he first came to camp, lied about the shoes he had given, lied about it all.

But those thoughts seemed to drift away quickly, almost as though someone was taking them out. Percy felt dizzy for a moment, and when the dizziness stopped, he couldn't remember what he had been thinking about.

"No. You—you wouldn't lie to me," The words came out forced, but when he said them, Percy seemed to believe it more. "I'm going to join Kronos. I'm going to defeat Camp Half Blood,"

Something felt off about it, Percy couldn't deny that. The words belonged to him, but they didn't feel right. He looked up at Luke in question. "Did you do something to me?"

"I didn't do anything, Percy. You wanted to join Kronos on your own. You were mad at camp because they never cared about you,"

When Luke said it, there was some sort of forcefulness in his tone. Percy believed it, he believed any of the words that came out of Luke's mouth without a second doubt. Luke would never lie to him, camp would never come.

"You—you're right. Yeah, I'll join Kronos. I'll stop camp. Did uh—did anything else happen?" Percy asked.

He wanted Luke to know what he meant. Gods, did he went Luke to know what he meant. He wanted to know if Luke liked him back.

They had kissed, sure, but Luke was known for playing with hearts. He had done it with Annabeth, he had done it with Thalia, he could be doing it with Percy.

"You said you wanted me to take you on a tour of the ship, how you wanted to know your way around and meet others. All that. So I was gonna take you once you woke up, if your still up for it," Luke said. "It would be a date."

Percy hated this feeling. He hated looking at Luke's smile and melting inside, he hated the fact he had never felt like this before. He hated the fact he was ready to do everything if Luke asked. He hated the fact he loved Luke.

But he couldn't hate it. He never really could hate Luke, not since he had been on the boat. Percy gave a small smile. "I'd like that."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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