I mean it really wouldn't matter I guess; I was already over him and his bullshit which is why I had started looking for places to live back home. I even found one and already put a deposit on it. Obviously, this was a long time coming.

Yea he helped me get my modeling career in full swing, and I was overly grateful for that, but the jealousy was ridiculous. I couldn't even have a full photoshoot with any guys at all. Which limited my availability. I can't have limited availability if I want to make anything of myself. Oh, I couldn't do any lingerie shoots either, only clothing shoots. It was ridiculous! He was overly controlling, and now that I look back on it completely abusive to me over the past year.

Not anymore though! I hated being here in California. Just too many people for me. Growing up outside of Austin, Texas...I belonged there, my heart and soul needed to be back home.

Within a few days I was packed, and on a plane, all of my things were already on the way to my new apartment and I seriously couldn't be more excited. I moved out of my parents at 17 after a huge blowout fight with my Mom, we've since become very close all over again. At first, she didn't agree with anything I wanted to do. So, I left. I kept in touch with my brother Brody more than my parents, until one day my Mom called to apologize and we've talked every day since.

I stepped out of the Uber and took a deep breath almost not believing I was back home, after a little over a year. My heart was so happy already. I climbed the stairs to my third-floor apartment and started walking. I got close to my door and saw a girl standing across the hall yelling into the phone, but laughing.

"No, you're seriously an asshole Jordan. Yes, I'll be there tomorrow. Love you, bye!" She hung up still laughing and dropped her keys and laughed with a sigh. "Today of all days! What else!" I laughed and walked over to her setting down my purse and carry-on.

"Here let me help." She turned toward me. Gosh she was a beautiful girl.

"Hey! I didn't even hear you come up. Thank you so much." I put her key against the door and pulled the handle to open it up and she pushed it the rest of the way. "Seriously, you are an angel. Today has just been oh god. So bad." She laughed again.

"I'm sorry you're having a shit for day." She waved me off.

"You helping made it a little better. Are you new in the building?" I nodded with a big smile.

"I just moved back, was in Cali for a year...just not for me. I'm actually..." I pointed across the hall. "So, if you need anything, or just wanna come vent. I'm around. I just got in like an hour ago." We both laughed.

"Well shit, I'm Ansley, and I'm cooking way too much food for just myself. Do you want to come hang for dinner?"

"I'm Blair, and I would love to! I'm going to sneak in and shower and change into comfy clothes."

"Awesome! I'll leave it unlocked just walk on in whenever!" I smiled and nodded. "See you in a bit!" She slipped the rest of the way into her apartment and I already knew my home was just going to be perfect.

I unlocked my door and walked in setting my bag on the counter and skipped around giddily. Just all the stress melted away so quickly from being away from California. I had my first shoot tomorrow morning with an amazingly talented photographer, which included a guy model for the first freaking time. Seriously, so fucking excited.

I quickly showered, slipping my black hair into a wet messy bun and throwing on a t-shirt instead of the hoodie I arrived in, and a pair of leggings. I tossed on some socks, grabbed my phone, and walked back across the hall and straight into Ansley's apartment.


"Hey!" Ansley smiled, she was right in the kitchen and it smelt wonderful. "Listen, I'm like super Italian and I love to cook and bake so I promise you'll never go hungry." She laughed. "And I have two brother's they live together, and I bring them a shitload of left overs. They never complain."

"Growing boys?" I laughed.

"Something like that. One is 26, and he isn't home all the time, so usually it all just goes to my younger brother. But they do eat like they're freaking garbage disposals." She shook her head.

"I have an older brother; I know they inhale everything. It's like where the hell does it go!"

"Right!" We both laughed. "Like seriously, and they never gain a damn pound."

"So jealous." We both laughed again.

"So, Blair, I can already see we're going to have a great friendship." I nodded agreeing. "What are you doing for work?"

"I uh, I'm actually a model."


"Yea." I nodded. "I was featured in quite a few magazines, mostly for tattoo clothing lines and stuff." I pointed to my tattoos.

"My brothers, both I swear are going to be covered in tattoos by the time they're 30." She laughed. "I love them, I have a couple. Not close to what you have."

"Yea, I have a lot. It actually caused my break up." I laughed.


"Yea, I went to his place a few days ago, and like I was already going to break things off with him and all, because I just needed to be back home. I couldn't handle being there anymore. But anyway, I went to his place to talk to him and had just gotten a new one that day. He went off, told me I was fucking up my entire future."

"What! It's your body." She shook her head turning to the stove to stir whatever was cooking.

"That is exactly what I told him." I laughed.

"Well, if it makes you feel better my last boyfriend, broke up with me because I'm in school too much."

"What?" I couldn't help but laugh again.

"I want to be an RN, so..."

"Oh, shit yea that's a lot of school!"

"Yea..." She blew out a breath. "Oh well, someone that doesn't want to grow with me isn't worth my time. Do you drink?"

"I'm 18, but yea." I laughed. She shrugged.

"I mean I'm 20, but perks of having an older brother." She winked and giggled.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Oh, and got some wine in us which just made everything flow and it was exactly what I needed. I couldn't stop laughing when a text came in from Caleb.

Caleb – I miss you, I went to your place and the landlord said you left? What the fuck Blair?

Ansley grabbed my phone when she saw I was torn about what to send back and did it for me.

Me – Yea, you miss all my sexy fucking tattoos so much you told me I'd never go anywhere with having them on my knockout fucking body. Boy grow the hell up. I'm done out of that shithole of a place, already have new friends, and can easily find a MAN that wants me tattoos and all. *middle finger emoji*

She handed my phone back and we both got a good laugh out of it when he texted back.

Caleb – You know, it's like I don't even know who you are anymore. We met you were this quiet, sweet, innocent freshly eighteen-year-old chick looking for work. Now you're some know it all bitch that's too cocky for her own good. You'd be nothing if it wasn't for me.

Me – Oh honey, I would have found another photographer and been way further along if it wasn't for you.

Caleb – Bitch.

I threw my head back taking another sip of my wine.

"I need to go to bed. I have a shoot in the morning."

"Oh! What kind?" I shrugged.

"I am not sure but for the first time, there's going to be a guy model there."

"Oh girl, shit that's exciting! You'll have to call me after or like FaceTime me, show me this hottie."

"Oh, I will be!" We laughed a little bit longer talking about my shoot in the morning before I actually forced myself out of her apartment and back to mine. I found a friend, on my first day here. I knew this was a good move.

Finding You (You Series, Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now