New kids are the docs

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Kaz was flipping through his wallet signing, "what up?" Cassie asked.

"I just wish Horace would give us a raise, i always seem to be running out of money."

"That's becuase you try to be a big shot and tip for everything."

"I do not!"

"Yesterday at training you tipped me 10 bucks for not setting you on fire this time." Cassie pulled a face that made her realise that tip may have been warranted. "Why don't you just ask him for a raise?"

"Because last time we did he complained about the hospital financial situation and then cried for an hour." Oliver added.

"I just don't get why he won't give us one, i mean there's no one like us here." As Kaz finished his sentence the mighty med door that linked to the main normo hospital opened, two guys -that looked suspiciously like Oliver and Kaz- walked into mighty med. Cassie had never seen either of them before and she knew that there was something not quite normal about them.
Cassie nudged at kaz' arm for him to look over at the two boys. The one that looked like Kaz was staring around at the white walls and blue gurneys that lined the walls.
"Uhm... who are you guys?" Cassie asked inquisitively.

"Well hello there, I'm Chazz, and this is my friend Gulliver."

"Right, and what are you doing here?" Cassie started to fold her arms, there was something going wrong here, the past repeating itself a bit too soon for her liking.

"Well, we were in the hospital because gulliver dared me to do something, and it made us go to the hospital. Then we saw blue tornado walking into the closet and we followed and now we're here." Chazz stained deeply into Cassie's eyes, which made her uncomfortable. Kaz could see Chazz's longing and he didn't like it. Not only was he taking away his and Oliver's thing at being a normo in a superhero hospital, but he was also a lot taller and broader, and more wanting of Cassie.

"I think you guys should leave."

Those words coming out of Cassie's mouth was music to Kaz's ears, he was happy to hear that she wasn't buying into this dark haired prince.

Horace ran screaming, a superhero on a gurney was rolled in after him. Oliver and Kaz started to go through their comic book knowledge but by the time they got to the conclusion it was too late. gulliver and Chazz had already stepped forward and cured the superhero. Leaving the two boys to feel redundant.

"Wow. Who are you." Horace went through the boys and offered them a position by reducing Oliver and Kaz's pay.

"Dam, they worked quickly. They're really good." Cassie admitted.

"Thanks." Chazz said, walking to stand next to kaz.

Cassie's eyes glanced over at the time, "oh shoot, i have a surgery i have to operate, I'll see you at 5, yeah?" Cassie directed her question for Kaz at Chazz.

"That's not funny!" Kaz shouted as Cassie walked down the hallway.

"I'm laughing." She shouted back.

A heroic love (Kaz Fanfic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora