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It was only a day later when Cassie made her way back into the training room, in the middle of her shift, and found Kaz sat in one of the arm chairs, eating popcorn and staring at people sat down in a comic book shop. "Uhm, watcha doing?"

"Watching my own funeral, see im pretending im dead so i don't have to break up with Spark."

Cassie couldn't help but smile over those words, "guess the date didn't go very well then?"

"To say the least, she thought my mum was another girl, and threw my phone off a cloud."

Cassie tried to imagine how that was even possible, but imagining it hurt her head. "Sounds like a handful," Cassie sat down on the chair next to him, "can i have some?" Without looking he handed the bowl over to Cassie.

Then the doctor, with the large head, walked in. Not understanding what was really happening he tried to change it over. Wrestling with Kaz over the remote he ended up turning the camera on. "Kaz, i can see you!" Oliver played down, trying to inform his friend he was there.

Cassie moved slowly out of the picture as Kaz began to speak.

A few moments later the funeral ended and Oliver sighed in relief, that was until he turned to face the monitor. A familiar black sequinned dress stood behind Kaz and Cassie but before he could mention anything Cassie turned around. She felt the presence and heard the fourth heart beating in rage. "Spark...." Cassie began to speak but was interrupted.

"Oh i see, you were the boyfriend stealing floozy." She yelled.

"You've got this all wrong." Cassie lifted her hands up in defence, which she immediately regretted as her uncontrolled powers caused a search of electricity to shoot out of her hands and thrust Spark backwards. Cassie looked at her hands in horror.

"Cas, what was that..." Kaz spoke softly, he could see the pain in her eyes over hurting someone that didn't need to be harmed. Kaz moved slowly towards her, reaching out his hands to hold onto her wrists, gently, to make sure she didn't panic, "there's nothing to be afraid of, just breathe, we will sort this out."

"Spark." She mustered out through her rocky breath. She ran past kaz, expecting to find an unconscious Spark but she wasn't there. "We have to find her, i have to apologise and make sure she's okay. I don't know how strongly I blasted her, what is she's injured. Oh gods, oh gods, why did i step in." Cassie's eyes were darting around everywhere, her hands moving about as she skipped from one horrible though to another. The tips of Cassie's hair began flare upwards, the usually warm room began to become cool to the point that Kaz could see his own breath.

Kaz moved conspicuously towards the thermostat and smashed it when no one was looking, "well would you look at that, no wonder its so cold in her. Paul get on this immediately. You'd think that a mighty medical centre like this would have proper heating." He rolled his eyes and sped towards Cassie, his fingers pressed against her back, causing him to shiver at the icy touch. "C'mon, let's get you out of here." He directed her out of the hospital.

"Kaz, we need to find her."

"I know, i know. But first, look at me, you need to breathe. Look in my eyes and count to ten."

Cassie could feel her hands start to settle in Kaz's as she did so. Her head had stopped spinning and she could finally think clearly. "She's at the school."

"How do you know that - you know what, some freaky ability i can already tell, lets just go."

Kaz and Cassie made it to the school and saw the work of evil unfolding. Spark and some turbo villain were battling it out.  The villain had just thrown spark to the ground, she gripped at her side - the side in which Cassie had already damaged. Spark looked around, hoping to come up with a solution, when she spotted Cassie. "Help." She whispered.

"What's wrong, Cas?"

"She asked for my help."

"Then go."


"Ah, no if's no buts no coconuts. As your teacher i am throwing you in at the deep end, now go." Kaz pushed Cassie forward, causing way too much attention to herself.

The villain turned around, creating a ball of energy in his hand he through it at her. Cassie had no time to think, she created a portal and jumped through, she focused on opening up behind him. The villain was disorientated as to where she disappeared to. Cassie looked at her hand and thought of the sparks, the flashes of blue and silver the current, the energy. Her fingers started to spark, with the power running through her she placed only a finger onto his lower back. He started to flinch and jolt as he crashed to the floor.
Cassie moved towards spark and helped her up, "after you." She smiled.

Spark created a gold rope with a twist of her hand and wrapped it around the villain, "you know, you'd make a pretty good Hero because you're a terrible doctor. I'm pretty sure im supposed to leave the hospital with less injuries not more."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Nah don't be, you're a powerful one and i respect that. Also makes me understand why Kaz chose you." She winked and ran with the villain in a milisecond she was gone.

"That not-" Kaz shouted trying to defend the fact they weren't together but it was to late, she was gone.

"Welp, my first ever fight."

"Felt good didn't it?"


"Oh, c'mon don't give me that. I can see that little hero complex rising."

"Can't prove it."


"Yeah really," Cassie stuck out her tongue and began to walk away, making Kaz run to catch up.

A/N hello everyone, just realised that i didn't finish this chapter to link in with the others my bad. Also i really gotta start to update this more. Life's just been a bit crazy but hopefully I'll get new chapters posted every week. Thanks for reading, until next time!!

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