Dream nodded along, still too anxious to speak.

Ms. Hazel clapped, "It looks great, nice job boys!"

George plastered a stiff smile on his face and mumbled a "Thank you," while Dream quickly walked back to their table with his head lowered. He continued chewing on the inside of his cheek and kept his eyes glued to the table, knowing George was glaring at him.

After class, Dream dashed to the bathroom and locked himself in the furthest stall from the door. Slumping against the wall, he let a couple of built-up tears escape.

The bathroom door opened, causing Dream to slip a hand under his mask to silence his sniffles.

"Dream, I know you're in here."

He winced at the frustration in George's tone but unlocked the stall and peered out as to not anger the other boy more. George's piercing brown and blue eyes seemed to flicker as he stepped out.

"What the hell was that? I thought we were presenting together?" George's voice was low, but his tone was poisonous to Dream.

"I-I tried, but I don't do well with speaking in front of peop-"

"It was a short presentation! All you had to do was explain how we made it and I would've done the rest, but you messed up and left me with the whole thing instead."

Dream cracked his knuckles to try and calm the burning rage building within him.

"Listen, it's not my fault! I tried to-"

It is your fault! I already explained what to do. It was easy, you idiot!"

The final strings restraining Dream snapped.

"You didn't explain shit! I tried my best, but my anxiety shut down my ability to speak-"

George opened his mouth to cut him off, but Dream wasn't having it.

"If you interrupt me, I swear to god I'll make your life a living hell for as long as I walk this cursed Earth," Dream growled.

The threat was empty, but it was enough to snap George's mouth shut.

"The only thing you've done is ignore me and make me feel like it was my fault! Just because you've had things happen to you doesn't mean you get to take it out on others. You kissed me first, yet you're playing the victim. If anyone has a right to be upset, it's me!" Dream shouted, unable to stop the ugly, but truthful words from spilling out.

George's eyes widened as his defensive stance shifted to one of fear. Dream felt a pang of regret, but George had broken the dam and was now left to face the consequences.

"Loving you is a losing game George, and I'm done playing!" Dream hissed, fresh tears pricking the corners of his eyes.

When met with silence, Dream laughed dryly.

"I'm done with this," He scowled, returning the harsh glare he'd been dealt all week. Shoving past George, he watched as the brunet held a guilt-filled look.

The halls were empty as Dream stepped out. Class had already started, but Dream didn't have the energy, nor the excuse to explain why he was late.

He ventured outside, choosing a spot underneath his tree. The limbs swayed back and forth in the breeze as he rested his head against the trunk. He swept a hand under his mask, catching any stray tears.

After he calmed down, he began to think rationally again and realized he might have been a little harsh. Though he knew something needed to be said, that was a little straightforward for Dream's standards. There was no way George didn't hate him after that.

He stayed outside the remainder of the period, allowing himself to reflect on what had just happened. Miraculously, no teachers appeared to tell him off for skipping. He decided to go inside for seventh period, the only reason being he wanted to talk to Darryl.

The moment Dream sat down, Darryl knew something was off.

"What happened?"

Dream chuckled, impressed Darryl picked up his mood that quickly.

"I messed up our presentation, and George got mad at me. We had an argument in the bathroom and he started yelling at me, so I told him off. I feel bad, but I don't want to talk to him anymore," Dream explained.

Darryl sighed, "Would you like me to try talking to him? Even if he realizes he's wrong, George is stubborn and won't admit it on his own."

Dream nodded, "Please do."

"Okay, I'll talk to him over the weekend. Can we swap numbers? That way, you can text me if you need anything."

Dream agreed and messily scribbled on a slip of paper. Darryl slid it into his pocket and began gushing about a couple of cute animal videos he'd watched, hoping to distract Dream's mind for a bit.

It worked, as Dream quickly fell into conversation and began talking about his cat, Patches.

Soon enough, the day was over and the two parted ways, leaving Dream anxious for the weekend. Just as he approached the buses, he realized he'd stupidly left his homework folder in one of his classes.

With an annoyed sigh, he pushed through the tide of other students, who were eager to get home for the weekend.

He popped into the classroom just as the teacher was about to lock it and grabbed his folder, muttering a quick apology as he raced back to the other end of the school. To his dismay, his bus had already left and he was forced to walk home.

Dream grimaced and walked to the front of the school, staying out of the teachers' sight. With his newfound time, he leaned against the tree and began flipping through his folder for a specific page.


He sat up fully, carefully listening as a few more branches snapped behind him. Whipping around, his eyes met the snake-like ones of none other than Techno.

Dream's blood ran cold as the events of the week before flashed through his mind.

"What's wrong? You and your boyfriend fighting?" The pink-haired male sneered.

Though Dream wanted to snap back, he kept his mouth shut.

"Not talking? Well, looks like your weak little boyfriend can't save you now," Techno smirked, creeping close.

"N-No, please," Dream pleaded, holding his arms out.

"Was breaking your mask once not enough?" Techno taunted as he moved closer to the shaking boy.

A silent sob escaped Dream as Techno shoved him against the tree. His mask was ripped off, exposing his scarred, disfigured face once more.

"Time to have some fun, freak."

Dream squeezed his eyes shut as a fist came flying towards his face.

-1721 words

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