A big win

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As amity was getting dress in her gruguby game. She saw her girlfriend luz wearing her beautiful dark cloths.

Hey baby what wrong.

Ah it just i want to give good luck kiss before you go out there.

Awwww honey i love it.

So luz kiss amity check. She then wave and went to the bleachers.

You are my light charm luz and i wouldn't let anyone hurt you.

As amity went out play with her team.

They were neck and neck.

One amity teammates catra pass the ball as amity was in the blind spot to gain point.

She scores for the team win.

After everyone cheered amity walk to the locker room. She bump into someone she did not want see.

Hey amity long time no see huh.

Boscha i don't have time for this luz waiting for me we have dinner plans.

Why you leave amity you were so cool yet you went to this loser school. For what a girl who too broken she can't heal.

You know what shut up boscha you were never my friend and for your information i did come here for luz. You know why because i love her she been through hell for what being herself. I buff up my body for her because i not letting that monster near her. I kill him if he every comes near her.

Amity was so mad she walk away with her workout bag.

She saw luz she was crying her purple mascara was running.

Amity did you mean all that you turly love me.

Amity hug her close i do and if your step father every comes i kill him. I don't care if i go to jail you are my only thing that matters then me.

I love you too amity i always have you make happy i just don't know how say it.

Luz i know you been through so much but just know i am here i will always be here.

Thank you amity so ah about the dinner date. Where do want go champ.

I thinking maybe just some booburgers and watch few good movies at your place.

Can we cuddle maybe.

Yes babe we can cuddle she holding her face seeing her beautiful girlfriend. With her beautiful brown eyes her black hair that covers one eye that amity loves.

Okay let go mittens luz smiled.

Amity eyes feet the same she feet three years ago. She wouldn't stop making luz happy she is amity sun shine who she loves.

Hope you enjoy.

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