Chapter Fourteen

Comincia dall'inizio

        He brushed a large warm hard against my cheek and brushed the stray strands of hair away before placing a sweet kiss on my lips. I relaxed in his arms and let the warmth envelope me as I felt truly at home.

        I could, however comfortable, not return to slumber and passed minutes staring into his chest with a blush I hoped I could pass off as one from heat. I pressed my hand against him and admired how smooth and warm his skin was, then my mind brought me back to the nights previous events as I attempted to recall them on after another rather than in the jumbled mess which they appeared. Causing me to both blush and wince. Some being more erotic then the others.

        I looked up at Veldore through my eyelashes as I addressed the first issue. "You will not truly kill your own brother will you my mate?" I asked, hope evident in my tone.

        He looked down upon me, his expression turning to stone. "This is the first thing you ask when you wake up in the arms of your mate?" He replied, his voice some what sour.

        "My apologies I did not mean to-" I stopped myself not knowing how to continue. "My apologies I just wanted to know." I looked back down.

        He sighed. "I am not a man that goes back on his word." I looked up at him with a questioning look, what was that to mean? "Do not ask me again." 

        "I promise I will not." I nodded then addressed the second issue. "You are convinced I would never wish to leave you are you not?"

        He slid his left arm under me and placed it against my back while his right felt its way down to my bottom and pulled me closer towards him. I snuggled comfortably in his tight embrace while awaiting his answer.

        "And that you would never get far if you did." He growled possessively.

        I nodded best I could under his dominating grasp.

        "Under which circumstances you need not keep me locked up correct?"

        He paused. "Perhaps."

        I sighed, the language of royals. So often manipulated by speech they walk around your question rather than answering it straight out to prevent making any unintended promises.

        "Please do not keep me locked up." I tried.

        He kept quiet as his right hand taunted me with sly folding. His hand began to run up my leg and started tracing the inside of my thigh. I felt his hand stray too close to me and I jolted slightly in pleasure.

        "Please Veldore."

        "Why." He asked with a stubborn child like tone.

        I paused, thinking about it, if I said I was bored he might just get me something to spend the time with. If I said I lacked company he would outright refuse seeing as how his possessiveness reached further than I dared to describe. And if I said I need fresh air he was sure to throw a window open and declare it a problem solved.

        "I need the option to leave." I admitted. "I need to know I can slip out to the gardens if I feel the need." I drew a breath as his silence penetrated my wall of comfort. "I need to know I am not a prisoner... I am not a prisoner... I am your mate."

        His eyes fell on mine and he gazed deeply into mine spitting me open and reaching out for my inner utmost hidden secrets. Searching for any accidental slip up of a lie. And since I did not lie and I held no intentional secrets I knew he found none.

CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxboy) ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora