30. Yagyaseni's Nascency

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As Drupada returned to his palace after the defeat, a heavy sorrow weighed upon him

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As Drupada returned to his palace after the defeat, a heavy sorrow weighed upon him. All his sons had lost their lives in the war, and it pained him deeply. He yearned for a son who would possess the power and might of his dear friend Drona's son, Ashwathama. Determined to find such a son, he embarked on a quest to seek out the rishis who could perform the Putrakameshti sacrifice.

Drupada scoured the entire kingdom of Panchal in search of a solution that would bring him a son to be proud of. However, despite his efforts, he faced repeated failures, which only served to fuel his frustration. Desperate for a resolution, he resorted to tormenting the rishis in his desperation to find a way.

One fateful day, Drupada encountered a wise rishi who directed him to Maharishi Yaaj and Upyaaj, who possessed great power through their penance. The rishi informed Drupada that these revered sages resided in the ashram and advised him to seek their blessings.

Driven by hope, Drupada and his wife set forth towards the ashram of Maharishi Yaaj and Upyaaj. The two sages were immersed in deep meditation when Drupada arrived. As they opened their eyes, they beheld Drupada's presence and offered their blessings, inviting him to their humble abode.

Drupada beseeched them directly, "I desire a son who can match the strength of Ashwathama."

"We shall fulfill our promise, Drupada, using the power of our penance. We shall perform the Putrakameshti yagna for you," proclaimed Maharishi Yaaj.

"We shall arrive in Panchala after five days, so make all the necessary preparations, as the yagna will span fifteen days," added Maharishi Upyaaj before the two rishis resumed their meditation.

Drupad and his family returned to the capital of Panchal, where he wasted no time in preparing for the grand yagna. The days swiftly passed, and soon the appointed time arrived for Maharishi Yaaj and Upyaaj to make their way to the royal city. They were greeted with great enthusiasm by Drupada and his people.

Every detail was meticulously arranged, and the yagna was set to take place in the enchanting gardens of the royal palace. The exclusive attendees included Maharaja Drupada, Maharani Prishati, Rajkumari Shikandini, Maharishi Yaaj, Maharishi Upyaaj, and the assisting priests. Raj Purohitji was also present, ensuring that no one would interfere or enter the sacred garden. The ministers were strictly instructed not to disturb the yagna under any circumstances.

The entire area where the yagna was to be performed was adorned beautifully. Strings of flowers, pearls, and elegant silk cloths transformed the surroundings into a breathtaking spectacle. At the center stood the sacrificial havan kund, where Maharishi Yaaj and Upyaaj took their seats, while Maharaja Drupad positioned himself opposite them. Shikandini and Prishati stood close by.

As the chants reverberated through the air, a mesmerizing atmosphere enveloped the surroundings, accentuated by the radiant moonlight spreading its glow far and wide. Shikandini and her mother felt a mix of anxiety and excitement, anticipating the arrival of a sibling.

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