28. Your Favorite Winter Activity To Do Together

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The Joker:
During the winter months, The Joker likes to take you to do snow activities, his favorite thing to do is to have snowball fights. He always gets you by surprise and then the fight is on. If you aren't winning you use your special move, tackling. You tackle him in the snow, he laughs and you both play fight until someone admits defeat.

Dr Jonathan Crane:
Around Christmas time, he likes to take you to see the lights. They are so pretty! When he takes you it's night, so you both aren't easy to identify. He keeps you close as you both walk he holds your hand and wraps his arms around you. He buys you a hot chocolate as you both stare at the bright lights. He doesn't stare at the lights that often, he stares at you the majority of the time.

Roman Sionis:
He likes to stay in. You two both aren't a fan of the cold so winter is the cuddling months! He keeps you close to keep you both warm, and he even makes you hot chocolate! In the morning hours you two stay extremely close because of the cold, but even throughout the day you both find time to warm up together!

Two Face:
In the winter, he likes to take you ice skating! You both sneak into the rinks and ice skate together. At first you both didn't know how to ice skate, but he improved, but you didn't. He helps you and holds your hand as you both skate, you use him for balance and each time you fall he bends down and helps you get back up.

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