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Soobin woke up with a little headache, slowly sitting up from his bed, before standing up to go in the kitchen to grab water,

Making sure that no one is awake yet,

Going back to his room with a glass of water, locking his door, and sat on the edge of his bed, grabbing the scent and heat surpressant under his pillow

Drinking the pills at once, before hiding them again, as he heard a knock from his door,

Placing the glass on the night stand, before standing up and opening the door, to see the four standing there

“uh—yes?” He asked, leaving the door half open, not really wanting for the four to enter

“We need to go, have you forgotten that we have to go to the stylist today? We need to have our outfit measures for the comeback” Yeonjun eyed their leader as he said that,

“Oh! Alright, you all can go! I'll follow after! I just need to prepare” Soobin said, avoiding to make eye contacts from the others

“alright, but hurry preparing” Taehyun said, before dragging the three to leave with him

He closed his door, and locked it, before sighing,

Going to the bathroom to take a shower, and wears white shirt and plain jeans,

Fixing his hair, spraying them so that they won't be scattered anywhere

Going through his drawers, to grab out a lens, brown black lens, to block out the real color of his eyes

Not wanting them to witness his eye changing to color blue

His eyes always turns blue when he is around alphas, no one knows about his status, even the whole company and the CEO itself didn't know,

Only himself know that he is the only omega of the group, and he hated that, that's why he always hide form the others

After that, he wears his socks and shoes before standing up, grabbing his wallet and phone, and wears black mask, leaving his room, and went to the car,

His manager waited for 30 minutes for him to finish, luckily his manager is tired and got 30 minutes of sleep for waiting Soobin

He hop inside inside, sitting at the back seat,

Sighing, before turning his phone on, just to see notification, where their profile account were tagged or mentioned

Tapping the notification, leading him to the posts where they're tagged and mentioned by their fans

Txtlover_bread @/breadloveroftxt

—why does Soobin oppa hides his status?
Oppa! If you ever read this, please answer!


TXT_official @/tomorrow_x_together

—This is Yeonjun,

Please respect the privacy of our leader, and we also don't know his status, so we're even MOA <3

He smiled as he saw that, but he was panicking inside, he don't want MOA to know, if they will, they might not accept it, he was scare—

“Soobin ssi? I've been calling 15 minutes now, we're here” He snapped out of his thoughts, and muttered a sorry to his manager, before getting out of the car, and entered the building

Walking to for 20 minutes, and soon arrived Infront of a door with a label OUTFIT ROOM

He sighed, knocking before opening the door and entered the room, closing the door behind him,

Looking up to see the four sitting at the couch,

“you're one hour and five minutes late, where were you Soobin ssi?” the stylist ask,

Bowing an apology

“uh—sorry, traffic” the four eyed him as he said that, making him gulp

Looking away from them

“Come here, I'll measure you, since you're the last one” he nodded, and placed his phone and wallet at a nearby table, before going to the stylist who is already ready to measure Soobin

“untuck your shirt Soobin ssi” he flinched at the sudden request, but did anyways

The stylist wrapped the tape measure unto Soobin's waist,

And was shock at how small his waist is, The other four was also shock to see how small his waist was, because they're watching as he get measured

After 10 minutes, he was done being measured,

“I'll be going now, I have somewhere to go” Soobin said, grabbing his phone and wallet, before bidding the staffs and the stylists a goodbye, along with his members, who weren't uttering a word as they just watch him leave

“why do he look suspicious to me?”

“you're not alone Taehyun”


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