Brandon "If I didn't know any better I'd think Andy's her boyfriend, not you"

My jaw dropped. 

Sky growled "what did you just say?"

Brandon chuckled "Okay hey relax, Sky, I was just kidding."

Sky raised an eyebrow. 

I grabby Sky and pulled him to me before putting an arm around his shoulder "alright, alright, calm down, boys"

Suddenly a fairy arrived. 

Andy and his band's jaws dropped. 

Mark " Whoa, what's going on?"

Andy " She's... She's beautiful."

I walked to the girls, confused "A nature fairy? What's she doing here?"

Stella " Be on guard girls. I smell trouble."

the fairy casted a spell to make the people pass out and vines appeared all over the restaurant. 

Stella "Her magic has no effect on us."

Fairy " Good. This is definitely better. This is strictly a matter for fairies only."

Roxy "What did you do to my father?!"

Fairy "He's only sleeping. Our queen Morgana wants to know you better Roxy. Let me introduce. I am Diana, major Fairy of Nature."

Bloom" We already know what Morgana wants and you're wasting your time. Roxy will never join you!"

Diana "The last Earth Fairy will join her sisters in the fight against Ogron and the humans; that is her destiny."

Bloom " I understand your rage, but why are you so resentful against humans? They didn't imprison you, the fairy hunters did."

Diana " You dare to defend Earth people? They've been afflicting this word with hatred, wars, and environmental catastrophes for centuries. They are guilty, and now they will pay."

She created vines that trapped us. 

Stella groaned out  "I can't transform, these roots absorb all our energy."

Roxy "Stop it, Diana, stop it please! Let them go they've got nothing to do with it!"

Diana "You must make a choice, Roxy. Serving our queen Morgana or join the humans and suffer their same death to me?"

Then she teleported away. 

I grimaced in pain. 

The guys walked to us. 

Brandon "Is everyone all right? "

Helia to Flora "Use your powers Flora, try to free yourself."

Flora sighed  "I can't. These magic roots have weakened me."

Helia "Concentrate, you're the Fairy of Nature, you can do it!"

She took a deep breath and tried to free herself. 

Helia " Yes, that's it, go on Flora. You're doing great!"

She failed.

Flora breathed out exhausted " It's no use. Diana has absolute control over nature."

Nabu " Save you energy, I'll use my magic to loosen those roots. It may not be enough to free you, but it'll be enough to regain your energy."

He stabbed the ground with his scepter, sending a burst of magical energy.

Layla "It's working! I can almost move!"

Keeper Of The Dragon Flame (Winx Club. Sky)Where stories live. Discover now