The Morning after

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We all ready to go back to their police department after we finished eating our breakfast. The team could tell Maura and I were sluggish this morning and had two cups of coffee before we headed out.

Maura and I continued to work the case but instead of going to the police station Maura and I went for a drive.  I reluctantly agreed but knew my team needed me to be calm and on point when arrests were to be made.  Korsak said he call us when and where to meet them. In the meantime, he had asked Maura to have us drive along the coast line and just hang out at a frills...just relax.  Maura and I forever looked out for one another. 
"Jane this may sound stupid and funny but please just humor me."

Maura had woke up earlier than I had packed us a picnic lunch,  gym attire,  and two yoga mats. Jane and I changed in the SUV into our gym attire.  I carried the picnic basket and Maura carried the mats, towels and one huge blanket.  We layed all items on the blanket and didn't end up using the mats. "Okay, I didn't think it out Jane. My mind forgot that sand is not level." "Maura its okay, your heart was in the right place." Maura had me stretch before she assisted me with some two new position or as she call them a pose.  I was never for yoga and have tried it several times in her home yoga studio and at the gym when she wanted to do group yoga. She finally had me stop after 45 minutes.  I will say my mind was getting clearer and I was less stressed.  Maura suprised me big time.  She knows I love my hamburgers, fries and strawberry milkshake. Maura had the hotel staff make me a double burger with three thick bacon slices, avocado slices, peppered jack cheese, lettuce with barbecued sauce." "Oh, Maura if I wasn't a heterosexual, I would kiss you and take you out here. " Maura and I both laughed and finished our food. The too of us took a nap under the sun with our nike and addidas hats. We woke up to the sound of our cellular phones ringing. Korsak sent us the address to the killers location. Jane and I packed up the stuff and jogged to the SUV. I placed my flask jacket on and had Maura put hers on that identified her as chief medical examiner.  We arrived to the location within twenty minutes. We saw the officers surrounding the building and the SWAT team setting up their sharp shooters to shoot if they had a clean shot. I had Maura to get out of the SUV and enter the SWAT van with Susie just for their own safety and if we needed them medical for assistance.  The lead detective told our team where he wanted us position.
The killer was determined to fight this out to the end. One of the sharp shooters had a clean shot and was given the okay to shoot but not kill. We all entered the building.  We were surprised to see the killer was a brunette woman who was muscular with sleeve of tattoos. The killer was a prisoner guard that Hoyt took a liking to. Officer Clemay stated she wish she would of had gotten the chance of killing me. She blames me for Hoyt being sent to prison and killed in  prison.  She stated, "I was not the only one he trained. This js far from over.  Eventually, Jane Rizzoli, we will have our revenge for Hoyt. Another case was solved. We stayed one day extra to enjoy some of the latin cuisine and dancing clubs with the Mjami homicide unit. Geeky and Susie even got Korsak to loosen up and dance.

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