A new case

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My entire team was asked to go assist Miami Florida homicide  unit along with Maura and Susie.  Dr. Samuel's was in charge of Maura's department in her absence.

Florida flew us out on the Marlins team 747. The homicide had to deal with the Marlins owner.  The team is enjoying the accommodations while Jane and Maura fall asleep.  These two know what first class really feels like.  Over the years, Jane has flown on private planes thanks to Maura's adoptive mother Constance who owns several.  Susie wakes up the gals while the guys finish switching stories about their recent dates even geeky joins in.
We land and is met by the lead homicide detective. Sgt. Frazier gives us a quick run down while he drives us to the hotel. We check in and he tells us the hotel accommodations,  meals are on their  department with the exception of alcohol and gratuity. He will have an officer lead them to the scene bright and early at 8:40. There will be four SUV's provided for us to partner in pairs. Korsak breaks up the team. Frankie you will ride with me. Susie and Frost, Geeky and our newest detective, Hector Rodriguez
Maura and I. Frost and Susie would be in charge of all models recreations.  Frankie charge of all photos,  Geeky and Rodriguez in charge of financials and background checks. Korsak and Jane in charge of interviewing.
We wake up the next morning relaxed and ready to go. Our entire teams have never been asked to investigate and assist in out of state homicide.
We arrive at the scene and realize this is the similar to one of last years high profile. Korsak instructs us to collect all evidence that they may have missed and go through the evidence they already collected.
Frankie starts taking all the photos. Geeky and Rodriguez review all the financials they have and start looking for suspects and ruling out none essential people Korsak and myself to start interviewing.  Korsak and I head off to the owners offices of the Marlins.Frost and Susie begin reviewing any models they may have. Frost asks for them and were surprised to hear they had none at this point. Frost and Susie stayed the longest on the scene making sure Frankie has taken enough photos so they can go back to police station to begin mocking up models. Two of their detectives join them to learn from.Maura and our review the scene and head off to the morgue. Maura was suprised to see they had missed some crucial evidence when they did the autopsy.  Maura performs her autopsy on him and comes out with additional information.  I continue to review the new evidence and the findings of the previous coroners report.
We all meet up at  police station to go over all the interviews so far conducted, evidence they had and what our two teams came up with.  We look at each other and say Hoyt taught someone how to kill, dismember a body.  The two teams were worried about me because I was kidnapped, raped and tortured by Hoyt.  The only difference we could tell so far the killer went after a male this time. We started throwing out theories. At the rate we were going,  this case could be solved soon.
We returned to our hotel late, showered and met in one of the hotels conference rooms to further go through verbally what we had so far.  We kept all the actual evidence except for photos and our notebooks with us. We were determined to find out who hoyt trained.  We went back to our hotel rooms. Frankie came by room to check in on me. "Jane if this is triggering you too much, don't allow your ego to get in the way. None of us will think differently if you return home to Boston. Knock on my door,  call my room if you need me.  I love you." " Thanks Frankie if it gets too much for me, I will return. I love you too. Maura can gauge how I am doing too."
My dreams of my horrific assault returned after I finally had laid it to rest a few years ago. I woke up shaking and crying. 
Maura woke up,  held me got me a wet towel to clean me up. "Jane its okay to return like Frankie said. I know you live with the scars everyday but please don't be stubborn and stay if this is too much for you." We talked some. Maura got me some bottled water and gave me two tylenol for my headache.  Jane finally fell asleep around three.  I was hurting seeing my best friend relive this horrific time in her life. I finally fell asleep around 4.

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