Fishing Expedition

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The guys brought us all poles to use, picked up the food, beverages and bait. We were making this as authentic as we could.

Frankie brought his telephoto lenses with him to take scenic pictures but also tell us what they were doing.

We finished our facade of fishing somewhat because Susie, Samuels, Korsak did catch some fish to take back to Maura's to cook for dinner that night. Korsak and Samuels were in charge of cooking the fish over the grill.  I peeled the potatoes so Susie could make her aunt secret potato recipe. Frankie was in charge of making the mixed drinks. Maura was kn charge of making the garlic bread and mixed vegetable dish. Frost was in charge of clean up along with Frankie. We discussed the findings with everything we already knew. We had one more day to solve it. We kept our captain updated and he in turn met with the PC daily over drinks.  Just say worked well as a team,  ate well and had fun too. How many could say that about their jobs, suspended or not. We all nodded off by ten. We planned on meeting our captain and the police commissioner at the PC residence by 9 a.m.

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