What should I do now?

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I watched the news as my ex-husband dragged the dirty cop towards the courthouse. His eyes were dark with murderous rage as he moved through the crowd of reporters. I turned off the TV and glided towards my husband's study. He was busy typing something important but what I had to say was equally important. He looked up at me puzzled, "Pam! Is everything OK? I will be coming home late tonight." This made the secretary smile. I smiled, "DD! I am pregnant." He nods his head and continued for a minute before what I declared had registered in his head. He leaped out of his chair and ran as fast as he could. First, he smiled then he frowned, "You should be resting" I laughed, "I have a doctor's appointment in an hour and your mother is coming to take me there. We will get to know if it is a boy or a girl. Also, we will get to hear that baby's heartbeat." DD looked amazed he turned to his secretary, "Cancel my appointments for the entire day. Henry, please get the car. I am going to be a dad." The staff cheered loudly. The air was so thick with joy that I could almost write on it.
The housekeeper helped Dan with a catalog of recipes that are for pregnant women. I watched as the head of security teased Dan about a different type of sleepless night he is going to be having.
Dan drove me and his mother to the hospital. We meet Doctor Sax. She withdrew blood and asked me to lie down. She rubbed a cold gel on my belly and placed the instrument. I got the first glimpse of my baby. I asked if I could hear the heartbeat of my child and she smiled at me and pressed a few buttons. I heard the most hopeful sound I have heard in my entire life.
The next morning I got up for breakfast and looked out the window, I saw a breathtaking view. But suddenly the sunset and the room turned dark. I saw that was on the ceiling staring down at a room I have never been to. It was dimly lit the wallpaper had peeled in some places. Revealing mold and spider webs. The floor was made of cement that was smashed in a few places with a sledgehammer. There was an operating table and a young woman was strapped to it. She had rich mahogany hair and pale skin. She was given some kind of hallucinogenic. She kept singing the same song. "Ready or not. Here I come" I saw a younger version of myself approach her with a scalpel with uncle Ben not far away. He was excited to see what I was going to do. He leaned against the wall with a cup of coffee. I saw his brilliant smile as I cut her open from throat to navel. I cut her ribs and examined her at length. My hands were trembling with fear. I examined the notes of a doctor from a bygone era. How his notes match her. There were some similarities but her body had more to teach me. When I was done I asked my uncle to put her back the way she was. He laughed and took an ax. He cut her head off in one swift stroke. I remained perfectly still. If I had screamed he would kill me in a heartbeat. It wouldn't matter if we are related he would make me feel a world of pain before he killed me. My uncle loves to play with his food. There are women he would keep. He would break them. Others he would slay. He looked me in the eye as he killed the girl to see if I would flinch or feel sorry for her. I remain perfectly still. He laughed at me, "Clean this mess and join me and my girlfriend for dinner. Remember, spotless." He walked out without a backward glance. I started to clean the mess and suddenly I was the one cleaning it not the younger me. I heard a footstep behind me and I saw the monster looking at me with sad eyes. "This is why I do what I do. You know he is coming. He wants to play with us. We need to be careful or we will lose both Dan and Dimitri" with those words she vanished as did the room. I was back in my bedroom covered in cold sweats. I walked out to see Dan was running. He must have heard my screams. He wasn't alone the staff gaming barreling behind him as well. He hugged me, "It's just a bad dream. He won't hurt you. He is in jail. I promise you." I was trembling from head to toe but I took his word for it. He took me back to my bed as the housekeeper brought me a cup of tea. He asked security to call Dr. Sax for an emergency appointment. She arrived a few minutes later. He explained to her that I once witnessed the murder of my friends at the hands of psycho. I occasionally have nightmares. Will this affect the baby's health or not. She said if this happens again I should be an inpatient. He called his brother and asked to fill in for him. He told his secretary to go but she seemed insistent. I finally got around to tell Dan that she is hoping to have an affair with him. This infuriated Dan. He is usually so calm but this seems to push his buttons in the wrong places. He made it clear that he is not interested in her at all. She slumped out of the penthouse before she slammed the door as hard as she could. I the door would come off the hinges. Dan asked Peter to go see if Mrs. Marks can get me some to eat. I was craving brisket from the secret smokehouse not far from where we lived. Dan chuckled and asked Henry to get for me. It arrived ten minutes later carved paper thinly. It melted in my mouth. The lovely lady Marks poured melted cheese on top for a bonus. I had a side of chips and hummus. I explained that B6 in the Garbanzo beans helps relieve morning sickness. He ordered that the dinner menu include the beans in one way or the other. She lived the challenge. She rolled her sleeve and went straight to work. Dan stayed with me. I told him I needed some air so he drove me in BMW to our place. I lt was an old dilapidated house where we first met. We sat on the roof and watched the sunrise from the horizon. The view took my breath away. I asked Dan if he could buy this house and restore this property to its former glory. He was delighted at the prospect. He promised he would find an architect who will fix the house although he did have some changes he wanted as well. For example, he wanted a fireman's pole installed in case there was a fire and we needed to get out quickly. I agreed to his idea and he agreed that a safe room was a requirement as well. He was going to be a father so the safety of his child was the only priority. He kissed me and promised me we will move here before the new year.
I walked into Dan's office and saw him working on a new project. He was building houses for working-class families. Well, he will build it if he gets the bid. He was competing with fifteen other companies. I laughed when I saw the plans. I explained that he was not going to get it. Henry and two other bodyguards gave me a look. I explained that he lacked clarity. I explained that for these lovely people home is not a place they escape from but a place they escape to. They need functional homes. Each family has a different requirement. There are families with many children so the living and the back yard is where play. A parent needs to be able to look across the hall and see that they are unharmed or if they are outside they should be able to see them from the window. To a parent the safety of a child is priceless, there is greater luxury than that. If it is concerning their safety then a parent would bleed to keep them out of harm's way. Also, the living room needs to be able to expand and contract according to their needs. Like it can be a playroom and then when required it can be folded away like those tiny houses and space can be used as a space to entertain guests. Some people are medical issues so there needs to be wheelchair accessible. Also, the door needs to wide enough for a gurney. There are people with disabilities like blindness who need extra help. So for them, the luxury for them is easy access. Also, some people suffer from arthritis. So the stairs need to be at a certain height so they can go up and down without feeling any strain. What he needs to do is show them the square foot of their new property and give them a catalog. And tell them that he would customize their home according to their needs. After all, a lot of families after they move to a new home the first thing to do is to redo the house because it has certain elements that they don't need. And this home is not going to be an exception to the rule if the proposals he was going to present to gets the authorization. He smiled and asked the secretary to call his brother and sister to make the amendments for the proposal.
I kissed him good luck and walked out with an angry secretary. "He will leave you one way or the other." She huffed at me. I didn't have to answer because Peter one of my husband's bodyguards answered on my behalf. He growled, "He is not looking for a lapdog. He is looking for a wife, not a prostitute so get a life." I smiled, "Ignore her. All she has is words nothing more. She knows she can't have so she is trying to get in my head. Sorry darling it is already occupied." Henry asked me, "Penny for your thoughts" I winked at him, "Today is DD's birthday. I am trying to plan something special. I am hoping to shop for something unique. I hope he likes it." The guards smiled radiantly as I tettered towards the elevator. They wished me luck and I gave them two thumbs up as the elevator doors closed. I prayed that today will be a good day. I was so focused that I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and I knew it was time to switch places. I asked her to wait till we got out of the building. She happily agreed. When we crossed the road I took a step back and watch she did her thing. It was watching a stage play except I was the one who did horrendous things. I felt like I was strapped to an electric chair as she prowled for her next victim. Who does she have in mind?

Killer Instincts An Innocence Lostحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن