8- Hard to Speak

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Song suggestion for this chapter is Ocean by Martin Garrix. It's quite a calm song that I enjoy listening to when I feel like relaxing.


Rey was waiting. She desperately wanted another force bond, it was the first time that she had actually wanted it. The girl felt that she needed to speak to Kylo, or to Ben. Rey focused and scrunched her eyes up, she knew it probably wasn't going to work if she mediated like that, but it was worth a try.

Chewbacca had gone to help Leia early this morning, so Rey was left alone on the Falcon. She sat cross legged in her bedroom on the floor pleading the force to connect them, she needed to know what Kylo was doing the night before, she knew he had been there, but he hadn't woken her up, instead it had almost felt like he had kissed her head where there was a strange tingly feeling.

Just when Rey was about to give up on her mediation, she felt the sucking feeling of the force. Suddenly everything around her went silent and she opened her eyes. She was still in her chambers. Letting out a sigh, Rey stood up and turned around, she almost jumped out of her skin. He was there, standing by the door, Kylo Ren was there!

For a few seconds none of them spoke, they only looked each other deep in the eyes, until Rey broke the silence.

"Hey" she said.

"Hi" he replied.

"I... I wanted to talk to you" Rey said.

"Okay" he said.

"Last night... um did... did you... were you... you were here" Rey spluttered out.

"No, I wasn't here" lied Kylo.

"Yes you were" said Rey. "I felt it, I woke up and you were gone, but you were defiantly here."

"So?" said Kylo, trying to stay calm.

"So why didn't you wake me up? Or shout or just freak out, or try to kill me, I was asleep" Rey said, getting a little irritated.

"I told you, you're too import to the dark side to kill" answered Kylo.

"Are you sure that's the only thing?" said Rey. She stepped closer to Kylo, and noticed how he inched away the slightest amount.

"Ben?" Rey came even closer, Kylo looked utterly confused and terrified.

"Of course that's the only thing. What other reason would there be?" snapped Kylo.

For a moment, it looked like Rey was disappointed, almost sad. Part of Kylo thought she was going to start crying, but she didn't, she held a strong face and continued with their conversation.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" she asked.

"I didn't need to" he replied.

"What do you mean?" asked Rey.

"I was gone in a second" he lied again.

"No you weren't" she said. "You were there for long time."

"That's not my fault" Kylo mumbled.

"I know!" Rey was getting angrier.

"So why are you asking!" Kylo shouted.

"I don't know, it felt weird! It felt like... like... I'm not sure what it felt like, but I'm pretty sure you weren't keeping your hands to yourself." Rey shouted back.

"I didn't mean to" shouted Kylo.

"Well you should have woken me up" shouted Rey.

"I'm sorry okay?!" Kylo shouted.

"I'm sorry" he said quietly now.

"I didn't know you could say sorry" Rey half joked.

Kylo nodded and looked around the room.

"I haven't been here for years" Kylo mumbled.

"What?" asked Rey.

"I use to stay here, in very room, when my fa- Han Solo took me out on his ship"

"Was it fun? I mean I would have loved to go on trips with my father" asked Rey, her eyes saddening at the word 'Father'.

"It was horrible" answered Kylo, but Rey wasn't listening, her head was hung sadly.

Kylo hesitated before deciding what to do. With one of his gloved hands he touched the back of Rey's hand very lightly. Rey looked up into his deep brown eyes, she could get lost in them for days. She had no idea what she was doing, automatically she began to move her hand on top of Kylo's and entwine their fingers. 

Ben watched as Rey weaved their fingers together. All he wanted to do was take off his glove and feel her smooth skin against his, just like he had felt on Ahch-To. He felt like he was falling into a trance, just staring at her hands.

"Ben" she whispered, looking boldly into his eyes.

He looked up.

"Maybe this bond isn't as bad as we thought" she said.

"Maybe..." he whispered back.

Suddenly the connection broke and with one last look into his eyes, Rey was alone again, thinking about what she had just said. She looked down at her hand that now held only the air. Rey wandered where Ben was...


"General Hux" Kylo announced as he stepped into Hux's quarters after recovering from his conversation with Rey.

"Yes Supreme Leader?" replied Hux.

"When is the planet-destroying weapon ready? I want the resistance dead, and I want the scavenger girl"

An evil sneer spread across the general's face.


Love to hear your thoughts :)

Stuck With You💖जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें