9- Easy to Stare

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I know that this is a Twilight song but it's really good actually. I recommend it. 


Neither of them could stop thinking of their conversation with the other. 

"Maybe" That word rung in their minds.

Hux was working really hard to prepare the planet exploding weapon, Kylo was training unbelieve hours, the First Order was rising, all because their supreme leader desired something from the rebels, or someone.

Rey was the same, everywhere she looked people were planning. Poe and Finn helped in tactics, Rose was with Chewie fixing ships up, Leia was in the middle of it all. Rey sensed that Leia was becoming weaker by the minute, but something was making her carry on, it must have been Ben.

Another day of training, Rey was getting good now, she headed to the falcon for a shower. Covered in sweat she stiped off her clothes, put her towel down on the side and stepped into the water, untying her hair and letting it fall over he shoulders. The water was cold, there was no source of warm liquid in the forest in which they stayed in. Although the sky burned with the loyalty of the sun, the resistance was definitely almost gone, but they had hope, and they had the faith of the force.

Rey washed with shampoo and the sweet scent filled the air, steam blocked her view of the bathroom outside. But then suddenly, the sharp bite of the cold water that still fell from the shower head stopped, but it didn't, only the heat changed. It was warm, hot even, so comfortable that anyone could drift off to sleep in its steam and rich aroma. It was strange but Rey didn't feel the hard flooring that she once stood on, but she did recognise the smell. Ben!

 "This is getting out of hand" came a deep voice from behind her. Rey gasped as she realised that she was there... with him... Kylo Ren... in his shower... undressed... he was undressed! Rey turned around, the warm water still pouring down her head.

"HOW!" she exclaimed. "No! No! Not again!"

The steam blocked the sight of their bodies, but Kylo reached over and pressed a button that turned the water off, the steam was disappearing.

"I know that I've said it before, but get out" Kylo was strangely calm.

"I don't know how" Rey mumbled, her head hanging to try and avoid his tempting eyes.

"Rey" Kylo snapped.

"What?!" she snapped back.

"Head up" he replied.

"Huh? Oh... um yeah" she said, realising that it probably wasn't the greatest idea to look down.

They stood in silence looking each other in the eyes, Kylo's eyes strayed from Rey's for a moment, and without even thinking his eyes traveled down her neck. They were about to travel further when Rey noticed and threw her arms over her chest.

"Ben!" she said.

"What!" he came back into reality. "Right."

It took a few minutes for the steam to leave, that was when she began to panic.

"Ben, maybe you should turn the water back on again" she said.


"Because the steam its leaving" she said.

"So?" he replied, he was going to make her say it, he wanted to hear her say it.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about" said Rey.

"Do I?" he smirked

"Yes, you do."

Kylo reached back over and switched the water back on, his eyes did not leave her face as she looked at a spot on the wall. Rey looked back at the man, his shoulders so wide, his body so muscular, his eyes so bold... well, usually, now he just seemed entranced at the sight of the girl he stood before, neither covered up.

"What?" she said, softly.

"What?" he said, jumping out of his trance.

"You're looking at me funny" said Rey, smiling a little.

"Am I?" he asked, cocking his head causing water to drip down his chin and his dark wet hair to fall over his face and stick there. Rey laughed as Kylo tried to flick his hair out of the way, failing.

"Here" she said, reaching over to the man and pulling his hair out of the way of his eyes like curtains. The touch of her fingers on his face made Kylo feel funny... happiness?

Rey's fingers lingered over his face, trailing down his scar, her lips parted and her fingers traveled over his own lips, they were soft, like his eyes. Kylo didn't know what he was doing, but he did it anyway. Lifting his hand he cupped her wet face, she seemed to lean in slightly, and then Kylo did something that he had only done in his dreams. He leaned in, eyes on her lips, he didn't know the emotion in her eyes, maybe he would have known if it had last longer, but before his lips could meet hers she disappeared.

The connection had broken.


Boom! Another chapter finished, hope you enjoyed.

Stuck With You💖Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora