CHPT. 01 The stupid act of summoning a demon

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"Is something the matter?" He tilted his head, confused as to why the owner of the souvenir shop needed his assistance, but he would help anyway. He wasn't exactly a heroic type, but he did enjoy helping others.

Marjorie blinked, before laughing softly at the assumption. "No-No. I just heard that you were looking up books about Teyvat. I could offer you some for a cheap price." She said, gesturing to the inside of the store where a shelf stood.

Aether, intrigued of the offer, nodded and silently approached the bookshelf. His eyes skimmed through all the various books, new and old. But his attention was taken by an old book, with a black cover and blue linings. His hand reached out for it, and he read the title.

Tilting his head, he had trouble deciphering the words of Teyvat's language

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Tilting his head, he had trouble deciphering the words of Teyvat's language. He turned to Paimon, who was also staring at the book.

"'The contract Demon'?" She said, rubbing a hand under her chin. Paimon snapped her fingers, grinning triumphantly as she remembered the book. "Oh! That's right! Paimon heard about the legend of the 'Contract Demon'. They're a super scary demon that people summon, and make a contract with. But because of the contract, he will always have an advantage and twist other people's words if he doesn't like them. If you don't do your end of the deal, the contract demon will make you suffer!"

Paimon shivered, remembering the legend of the infamous contract demon. "Woah. There is stuff like that in Teyvat?" He asked, furrowing his brows at the topic.

"I think I'll take this." He murmured, hearing a small groan from his companion. He raised a brow at Paimon's pout, "But whyy~? Paimon already told you that they're a super scary demon!"

Aether shook his head, "It doesn't mean that what they say is true. Look at Dvalin, Venti had to explain it to us."

Paimon nodded, "You're right. Maybe mister contract demon isn't so bad too." She said.

After purchasing the book, Aether found himself in a quiet place outside of Monstadt, leisurely reading the book that held the contents of a certain demon. He was interested in the subject, his eyes skimming through the words.



After the Archon war, a being risen from the ashes. Performing contracts that held a dangerous yet tempting sense, that mere mortals had summoned the infamous being.

Only those who summon the contract demon will know his name, but once the contract is done, they will forget his denomination.

He first appeared in Liyue, after a merchant had summoned him out of desperation. The contract they had formed included; the merchant becoming wealthy, and the demon getting a hefty amount of money.

Days had passed, and the merchant became the richest among his peers, forgetting the debt he had yet to pay. A night where the demon returned to him, he asked for his part of the deal, but the merchant refused him.

Later on, the merchant's business crumbled and fell, and he was poorer than before he met the demon. Ridiculed among his peers and foes, he begged for the contract demon to liberate him from such.

But the contract demon no longer answered his call.

From the speculation of scholars, and the interrogation of those willing to give information about this entity, it is said that once you create a contract with the contract demon you must fulfill it or suffer from his wrath.

The consequences of not fulfilling one's end of the contract are based on what the contract is about. But if ever you fulfilled your duty on the contract, you will not be made to suffer, rather the contract demon will erase his name from your memories and leave you in peace.


"Wow... He's not that scary if you think about it. You'll only get into trouble if you didn't follow his contract." Aether surmised, flipping over the pages as he continued to read more about the contract demon.

"Hmm.. you got a point," Paimon murmured before her eyes started to shine brightly. "Ooh~ look! It's the method to summon him!" She squealed, smiling at the certain page that contained instructions to how the contract demon could be summoned.

"Huh? So you need to get some cecilias, an agnidus agate gemstone, 3 ever flame seeds and a vile of human blood. Then you make a circle thingy on the ground, but the stuff into the circle and the contract demon will appear." Paimon enumerated.

"Says here you have to do it at night." Aether points out the small note on the paper. He could feel Paimon smiling brightly, and the book was snatched away from him.

"Let's summon him!"

Aether gawked at the enthusiasm Paimon was showing, "Are you crazy?!" He yelled, shaking the fairy-like being.

"No-no-no! Maybe he can help find your sister!" She frantically exclaimed, sweatdropping at the glare Aether had sent her. "- and maybe he could get me an infinite food." She murmured under her breath, but the blonde outlander heard it perfectly.

He sighed, also curious as to what the famed contract demon was like. - And so, the duo had already been carrying a few of those materials, aside from the gemstone and everflame seed, which wasn't hard to find after asking Bennett or Amber for the seed, and going to Timaeus for the gemstone.

They waited till evening when they ventured the thousand winds temple, Aether having defeated all the Hilichurls with a big tornado. Now at the epicenter of the ruined temple, he and Paimon set down the materials, while the little fairy took out a stick of chalk, drawing the same symbol of the book, on the ground.

"Okay! Now that, that's done what now?" She asked, looking around for any sign of the famed demon.

Aether suddenly remembered the last ingredient, taking out a sort of vile that had contained whopper flower nectar, and sliced his palm open. Paimon screeched, watching as the vile filled. "What are you doing!!" She yelled, but the outlander only shrugged.

" It's true the last ingredient, 'A vile of Human blood'." He said, then took out a sunsettia, watching the wound close ever so slowly.

"Alright! Let's summon a demon!"

Aether pouted his blood on the ground and both waited. As the last drop of blood fell blue flames burst forth on the circle Paimon had drawn. The pair backed away, seeing the flames swallow the materials that they had gathered.

They heard a laugh resonate across the temple, making them shiver.

"My oh my. What's this? An outlander of our world summoning me?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍.   genshin impactWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu