The final bell rang letting everyone know that school was out for the day. Ms. Vaughn got up from her chair behind her desk and monitored as the students handed in their assignments and then filed out of the room.

I on the other hand remained seated, slowly packing up my belongings. Kennedy offered to wait for me, but I told her to go ahead without me, I gave her a lame excuse, telling her that I wanted to discuss the assignment with Ms. Vaughn real quick.

I glanced in Sydney's direction as Kennedy hugged me, a look of jealousy and anger flashed through Sydney's eyes before Kennedy and I parted. Oblivious to what just happened, Kennedy told me to call her and then said see you later. Kennedy was the last one to leave the classroom.

Sydney continued to stand behind her desk, her hands in front of her, fingers interlaced. She stared at her hands, in deep concentration, not once looking up as I rose from my seat then calmly walked to the door, closing it and then locking it.

I turned to see the enchanting Egyptian like goddess now staring at me with her emerald eyes enticing me once again, where I saw pain and nervousness flash through them as she studied me, as if she were searching for some sort of clue to what I might do next. If the dynamic hadn't have changed slightly between us. Sydney knew all too well what would come next. But now was neither the time nor the place. I had to focus on the task at hand.

Neither of us unable to speak and in that moment all words failed me. Until finally I couldn't take it anymore and broke the silence.

"So how have you been?" I asked as I took a single step in her direction.

"I've been good." She said with a slight smile. "I got a job teaching." She continued in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I noticed. How come you didn't call to tell me the good news?" I asked gazing into her emerald orbs, my brows furrowed as I took another step towards her.

"I was going to tell you, I swear." She replied nervously as a soft frown appeared on her angelic face.

"So what stopped you?" I took a step further, not taking my eyes off hers.

"I don't know. I guess I wanted to wait to see how my first day went." She replied as she broke eye contact, looking down at her hands again.

"Oh really? And how was your first day Ms. Vaughn?" My voice going lower an octave as I said her name, her kind eyes examining my entire body, looking me up and down, I mentally smirked at her reaction to me. She hesitates to find the right answer.

"Surprising at first." She admits sheepishly, seeming flustered as I took another step forward.

"Uh huh. What else was it, Ms. Vaughn?" Questioning her further, my tone becoming sultry as I say her name.

"Frustrating." She spoke without hesitation, her hands now at her sides.

"How so?" My brows furrow as she leaves the rest in the air, unsaid.

"Tell me Ms. Vaughn, what do you think we should do about this". I gestured in a manner of showcasing the classroom and the 2 of us. Then proceeded with my line of questioning, "predicament that we find ourselves in?" Sydney studies my movements with furrowed brows, seemingly not knowing how to answer.

"Honestly?" She shoots me a questioning glance.

"Yes, honestly." I reply intrigued.

"Well apart of me says that we should keep things at a professional level, just a teacher and student relationship." Upon hearing this, I closed the distance between us in a smooth swift yet gentle motion. A reaction that I was certain that I could control only minutes earlier, I was all but sure that I would be able to control myself from making it harder for Sydney to choose her career over me. I had put it in my mind that I would do the unselfish and responsible mature thing and step away from our not so distant past. My bodys reaction betrayed me upon hearing that our fate would be sealed, where what we once shared, a beautiful memory only to become lost into oblivion.

Carnal Desire "The Awakening"Where stories live. Discover now