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Draco's pov:

Yang... In my fucking bedroom... In my fucking wardrobe... Sniffing my wife's lingerie...

"What the fuck are you doing in here?!" I yelled which made Elle run to us

He just looked at me with wide eyes, frozen. 

"I asked you a fucking question!" I said 

"Uhm... Uhm... I was just... I-" he started but I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him upwards

"Who allowed you to be in here?!" I asked him and pinned him on the wall

"No one," he said quietly

"Who allowed you to touch her clothes?! Especially fucking lingerie! What if you're fucking sick and she gets infected from you?!" I screamed and my voice echoed through the house

"I'm not fucking infected you stupid oaf!" he yelled back and I lifted his body off the wall and slammed it back on

"I don't fucking care! Why were you touching her stuff?! Did I not make it clear that if you ever touch anything that has to do with her you're going six fucking feet under?!" 

"I don't fucking care what you fucking tell me! I am going to fucking fight for Elle Daae" he yelled back 

"It's fucking Elle Malfoy!" I corrected

"Not for fucking me!" he yelled back and then I dropped him on the floor

"Fine... You want to play it like that... We'll play like that" I said and walked out of the wardrobe

"... You're staying here from now on," I grabbed my clothes and stormed to my office

Elle and Nemo were standing at the front of the wardrobe. Why did I let Nemo see me like that? He shouldn't have seen that, I'll have to talk to him about what's right and wrong again... Fuck me.

"I already did," said the feminine voice of my wife

"Come on Elle you know what I meant," I said

She walked closer to me. She was in her golden robe... I suspect that she's naked underneath it.

"I am... But that's not important right now. What's important is that you calm down and talk to your son because you scared him" she said calmly.

I was sitting in my black leather office chair as she ran her hands up and down my chest, to my shoulders and upper arms. She kissed the top of my head and leaned her cheek on it. It instantly made me feel comfort, she knew exactly what she needs to do.

"I know," I said, sighed and rubbed my eyes

"Just tell him to come to my office," I said 

"Okay" she whispered and tried to walk away but I stopped her.

I pressed my two fingertips on her thigh and she looked at me.

"I need to ask you something," 

"Come here," I said and motioned her to sit in my lap

She sat on my thigh and put her arm around my shoulders, she started playing with my hair at the back of my head as I had my right hand on her thigh and my left arm wrapped around her back. I leaned my head on her chest and smelled the scent of cherry.

"Why is he so obsessed over you?" I asked in a kind of sad tone

She sighed and was quiet for a minute. Then she finally spoke;

𝙈𝙮 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝘼𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now