"Well whatever makes you sleep at night." Isabella shrugged and rummaged in the fridge.

Myrah found herself walking to the room that Armando was occupying for the past year.

With shaky hand she opened the door. A smell of cigarettes and alcohol was invading the air in the room.

She entered the room and heard water flowing in the bathroom. Armando was taking a shower. She looked around the room and felt the earth slipping under her feat.

Suddenly she felt all the energy in her body draining and tears filled her eyes.

On the coffee table, there was empty bottles of  alcohol and burnt cigarettes. Clothes and undergarments of both of a man and a woman was laying on the ground. The bed was disarranged with pillows on the floor and sheets that came off the bed.

And it only showed clearly that whatever Isabella said was true. Armando and Isabella surely did have sex.

Myrah never thought that Armando would go to that extent. She knew Armando was angry at her but she still trusted him. Never she thought he would cheat on her.

A sob escaped her lips.

The shower stopped and Armando stepped out in nothing but a towel around his waist.

He was first seeing Myrah here but it soon turned into anger.

"What are you doing here?" He asked clenching his jaw.

Myrah went closer to him.

"Please tell me this is not true. You did not sleep with her." Myrah said.

She only received a cold glare as an answer.

"Armando, answer me!" She said angrily shaking him.

Armando held her by her arms and got dangerously close to her.

"Do I need to give you a fucking explanation now?" He whispered in a cold tone and released her harshly making her stumble a few steps back.

Myrah got angry. She has been silently listening to his taunts and accusation for the past year but this is too much. This is past the limit she can tolerate.

Myrah turned him to her and slapped him hard.

She raised her hand and tried slapping him again but could not as he grabbed her wrist.

"Don't." Armando said through gritted teeth.

Myrah pushed him harshly and angrily left the room.

She ran down the stairs but was stopped by her mother in law.


"Mom, you told me to not give up on him. And I did not. For one year, I've been blamed by him for the death of my kids when I, myself was fighting for my life. What does he think? Only he is the one hurting. No, no mom. He is not the only one. I am hurting too. If he lost his kids, I did too. I agree that I was driving but I would never do anything that would cause harm to them. Mom I've stopped my life for a man like him? I've been shedding tears for him. I can't belive it." Myrah shook her head, her voice was laced with disgust. She took her car keys and drove off.

She stopped her car at the place where she let her emotions surface through. The place that welcomed her with all her pain, in her most miserable state.

She slumped on the same bench and looked blankly at the flowing water of the artificial river.

The stranger who came here for a jog saw her. This is the first time he saw her here at any other time than the evening. She looked so lost and broken. As far as he could remember even more shattered than the first time she came here.

He felt pity for her. He continued his morning run and went back to his penthouse.

The day was about to end and as always, the man came to the park as usual to seek some tranquility. He saw the girl, still sitting in the same position looking in the blank,

Except this time, he went closer to her and saw her dull face and dried tears.

"Water?" He asked making her come back from her world of thoughts.

Prior to that, Myrah did not felt neither hunger nor thirst but seeing the bottle of water, she felt her throat dry.

"Thank you." She said in a groggy voice accepting the bottle of water. In one go, she gulped down the entire bottle.

"Sorry." She said shyly feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine. I brought it for you." The man answered. Myrah looked at him in confusion.

"For me?" She asked.

"Yeah. I saw you here, this morning. And now when I came, I figured out you did not even budge from here." He answered with a shrug.

"Than-thank you." She said and the silence fell upon them.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No." Myrah chuckled humourlessly.

"Do you want to talk?"

Myrah looked at him, his blue eyes shining in the soft street lights. She does not know why but at that moment, she felt that she could trust this man. This blonde hair, blue eyes man was nothing but a mere stranger but Myrah found herself confiding in him.

Myrah found herself in tears after she narrated her whole story to him.

"Was it my fault?" Myrah sobbed.

"No. It wasn't. I understand what it's like to love someone so deep but still in the end you get deceived by them." He said, himself getting lost in his past emotions.

"What happened to you?" Myrah asked.

"Years ago, when I was in college, I was working as a host in a restaurant. I wanted to have my own law firm one day. I worked day and night to pay off my debts and collects some savings. There, I saw her. She was beautiful. Short Brunette hair, green eyes, fair skin and her cute dimples." He smiled remembering her.

"She came to the restaurant that night with her friends. I instantly fell for her. I managed to ask her out and soon we started going out. She was richer than me but that never seemed to be a problem for her. She was supporting me to become what I dreamed to be. We were really happy, or I thought."


Chapter 38

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