Chapter : 9

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I finish with the food suddenly feeling both extremely full and violently ill. I feel vomit rising in my throat and lung forward. Stephan catches me pulling me against him and towards the sink where I throw up immediately. He stands close to me holding my hair back and patting my back
"you ate that way too quickly" he says amused  
"Im not use to the amount of food" I reply before turning to throw up once more. 
"Your ok, get it out" he soothes me as he turns on the tap and passes me a towel to wash my face off with. 

"I'm sorry" I say quietly looking down
"Its fine, you'll get use to it with time" Stephan replys
He sounds nice now but I suspect he can snap quickly. 
"Lets sit down for a bit before we go to the medical room" he says before lifting my weakened body to the couch in front of the large fireplace. He sits down next to me but not too close.
"Wanna watch a movie its only 6" he says. I dont know many movies
"ahh yea sure" I say unsure 
"ok Ill put one on while I do some work" Stephan says before placing one into the disk player. The huge TV above the fireplace lights up capturing my attention. Its so odd to me some people get to live in this luxury when we were left to rot in the ruined city. 

Stephan puts on some glasses and sits on an adjacent chair opening his laptop. I have to admit in the light of his laptop he does look handsome in those glasses. His tattoos peeping out of his tight black long sleeve. He meets my eye and smirks. I quickly look away blushing and go back to watching whatever movie this was. I watched for a while feeling the sleepiness from 3 days no sleep. I was determined not to fall asleep on this couch again though. 

Suddenly Stephan asks "how much do you weigh Luna?" looking up at me
"uhh im not sure" I reply "why?"
He nods slowly "Im working out how much anesthesia ill need" he says 
"And im thinking not much" he continues in thought 
I feel fear rush through me but I try not to show it 
"are you sure you can do this?" I ask wearily 
"I promise" he says looking me in the eyes.

I try to focus on the movie for a bit longer willing my eyes to stay open. It wasnt hard with the adrenaline still pumping through my veins and thoughts racing through my mind. Why was it that my mother was barking orders at people? Our family never had power so how did this happen? How is she alive?

However im ripped out of my thoughts by feeling Stephan lift my and carry me into another room. I had lived by myself all this time I didnt need to be carried like a baby. But I was mentally and physically drained so I let him. We walked into a bright room and he placed me on a brown leather chair in the centre. The room was luxiourious like nothing I had ever seen. I looked around as Stephan took a seat, taking in every light and the tools present on the bench. Suddenly I didnt trust the man that sat to the side of me. He grabbed my legs and placed them onto the chair then pushed my shoulder so I was laying down. I looked at him wide eyed and he gave me a reissuring look still with his glasses on. 

The chair started to move back into more of a laying position and I tried to sit up but he put his hand back on my shoulder
"Hey hey lay down for me doll" Stephan says. I look over his tatooed hand on my shoulder and lay down fearful. I hated the nickname as well but there was too much in my head to mention it. 

Stephan moves his wheely stool to next to my leg and dims the main lights of the room. With just a light on my leg. I prop myself up and watch him. 
"I need to move your jeans to see" he says as he unzips them. I immediatly get uncomfortable and flash backs to what happened with the man in the apartment.
"no stop" I plead. Stephan sighs and places his hand on my leg, I slightly wince
"im not going to hurt you, but you need to let me do this" he says strongly
I huff but nod reluctantly hoping I can trust Stephan 

He continues to unzip my jeans and slowly pull them down on one side focusing on his work. He feels around my hip and leg saying sympathetic sorrys when I wince from the pain. 
"Yea you've done a number on this, you've fractured it and havnt let it heal. I can fix that" he says before continuing 
"It'll take time though, Ill put some more support into the bone then we will have to work at it everyday" 

Anxiety starts to rise as he moves to inspect my other injuries

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