Chapter: 2

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However, as I look up I see a terrifying black bike turn and begin coming towards me. I crawl back towards the building hissing as a piece of glass cuts the tender skin of my hand. I ignore the sharp pain, adrenalin racing through my small body. The large bike stops in front of me. I am frozen in fear of whats about to take place. I should have been home by now. The gun in its hollister is visible from where I freeze, waiting to end my useless life. I look up at the person's helmet seeing nothing beneath the dark glass. No humanity, just another killing machine about to send me to the heavens.

They look me over and I stop myself from whimpering like an injured puppy caught doing something naughty. After looking me over once more they reach down grabbing my arm and haul me into the back of the large bike. I quickly do as instructed and help by swinging my leg over and staying silent. I shut my eyes thinking this is the end of it for me.

"Hold on" the deep voice demands
I do as I'm told, putting my arms around them and keeping my eyes firmly shut. Before the bike roars to life. There was nothing else I could do. I was powerless in the hold of the dark gang. 

The wind chill burns at my skin as we ride into the night. I wonder when we will stop but we go further and further outside the city. My tattered skinny black jeans and button up long sleeve v neck doing nothing to warm me up. I start to shiver as we start to pass icy trees and the tall skyscrapers disappear into the distance. 

"Nearly there" the person says back to me 
I nod and cling on for dear life as we speed up on the dark road. Never in my life had I experienced this kind of speed. 

After another 10 minutes we peel off onto a small road off the main one. Trees line the sides of this road and have small amounts of snow on their narrow branches. I can see the warm lights of a house further up the road. The bike stops in front of the house and I feel frozen stiff. The person gets off the bike and turns back to me. I watch his face as he pulls his helmet off and throws it to the front porch. He has stunning teal eyes and tan skin covered in tattoos. But I don't trust him any more than before.
"Sorry about the cold, it'll be warmer inside" he states before putting out his hand to help me off. 

I hesitate, scared of the man he is and the power he holds. Before deciding to try to get off the large bike by myself. I stumble from being weak and cold, he catches my arm and stands me up. This frightens me and I pull away and look up at him fearful.
"Come on, lets go inside" he says softly
I think this over before deciding I'll freeze out here if I don't follow him inside. 

Once inside the house I stand awkwardly next to the door, standing close enough to run. Planning every escape I can think of. The house is large, bigger and nicer than anything you can get in the city. But it was also cozy and warm. No wires sticking out or breaks in the walls. The man lights the fireplace throwing in blocks of wood before turning to me. 
"I'm Stephen by the way, and I dont plan on hurting you" he opens with 
I just nod and take a few steps towards the fire, afraid ill get frost bite if I stand in the entryway any longer. He comes towards me and I stumble back. 
"Again, I'm not going to hurt you, but your going to get an infection in that hand" he says softly 

I had forgotten all about the cut on my palm. I winced as I remembered the pain I was in. He looked genuinely worried as I did this. What I weird tactic to kill me I thought. 
"So, you'll let me help you?" he asks
"Ok" I say unsurely and quitly 

I have decided I'll let him help me then ill get out of this place. He comes forward again and this time I don't move. He looks to me for assurance and when he gets what he needs he softly places his hands around my mid section and lifts me onto the banister above the fireplace.
"god you weigh nothing" He mumbles 
before continuing "I'll be back, I just need to get the first aid kit" 
I sit and wait observing the house. Theres an axe hanging up, and im ever aware of the more deadly weapons he carries. I'll be out of here by morning if I'm not dead before then. 

I forced myself to take note of every window and door I could see. I haven't heard anyone else, so from what I can tell we are alone. Maybe thats a blessing, but it could also mean nobody else will hear me scream. 

My head is raging with the thought... Run 

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