Chapter: 4

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I wake to a knock at the front door, I sit up alert and take in my surroundings. Im in a large bedroom, it doesn't look used but the lights are dim so its hard to see. It's still dark outside, evident by the window just above the bed. I hear the front door of the house open. Curiosity and fear take over and I crawl to the shut door of the room I am in. I can hear voices conversing and listen to try make out what they are saying.

"Did you cut yourself whats all that for" the male stranger says referring to the needles
"No I was just fixing up my kit for next time" Stephan replies firmly 
why would he lie for me, I thought 
"Right, well you know what we are doing next week, so you need to start preparing your weapons and shit" the stranger states before continuing "we came by because the lights were still on, we're worried about you boss" 

"Yea I'm on it, I'll start tonight. And I don't need your pity" Stephan says
I wonder what hes referring to
"You better not be entertaining anyone else Steph, you need to keep your eyes on eliminating the dirt of this world" A woman's voice rings out

I shudder feeling hurt, and start to retreat from the door. What was I thinking, I dont know who or what this man is, he probably does this to thousands of girls. I started to search through the wardrobe for something warm. I find a large leather jacket, smelling of strong cologne. I put it on and begin to formulate an escape plan. I go to the window and start to quietly unlatch it, before sliding it up silently. I needed to leave, if Stephan didn't kill me, my father or one of his friends would. I slid through the window, my entire body aching. And ran off into the freezing night.

With the jacket wrapped around me I sneakily ducked and hid as I ran past the trees lining the road we arrived on. I was use to sneaking around, the city prepared me for this. The cold snaps at my nose as frost meets my bare skin. My leg aches as I go further and further from the house following the main road. Slowly the lights of the house disappear from my view. 20 minutes of stumbling later, I heard the sound of a loud bike nearing.

Perhaps Stephan wasnt as bad as I thought him to be, perhaps thats just all I know people to be. This was my last chance at safety. In the split second I had to make the decision my instincts kicked in for better or worse. And I ducked down into the tall grass as I watched Stephan drive past. Or at least who I thought was Stephan, the helmet was too dark to see. I couldn't tell if I just escaped danger or my last hope at life. But my gut twisted at the sight of him fleeting. With a heavy heart, I continued on.

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